Alan Cumming, Cyndi Lauper Host Last Hurrah for Swing States

Before streaming the debate, Lauper and Cumming will perform at Obama fundraiser

ByABC News
October 22, 2012, 10:57 AM

Oct. 22, 2012 -- quicklist: 1title: Alan Cumming, Cyndi Lauper Host Last Hurrah for Swing Statescategory: Barack Obamatext: The Scottish singer/actor/director and star of CBS' "The Good Wife," Alan Cumming, is teaming up with pop star Cyndi Lauper to host a performance and silent auction tonight in in New York for the Obama campaign. Acting as a prelude to the last national debate of the 2012 election, the event is called "The Last Hurrah for the Swing States."

"It don't mean a thing if we ain't got those swings," Cumming wrote on his blog.

Cumming tweeted Monday morning that there were still tickets available for the Obama fundraiser. For just $100, guests can enjoy general admission seating with drinks included. $500 gets VIP seating and table service.

In 2010, Cumming criticized Obama for his record on gay rights. Almost a year and a half later, he praised the president for coming out in favor of same-sex marriage. Cumming has donated $3,300 to the president since September 2011, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

It's not the first time Lauper has declared her support for Obama, either. Lauper took to Twitter in January to declare her outrage at Mitt Romney's use of her 1986 hit, "True Colors," in an attack ad. Lauper, who launched a campaign focused on LGBT youth homelessness this summer, has also praised President Obama for his stance on same-sex marriage.


quicklist: 2title: Springsteen Hopes To Return Obama to 'Glory Days'category: Barack Obamatext: Rocker Bruce Springsteen joined former president Bill Clinton at rally to back President Obama in Ohio, telling supporters America needs a leader "who has a vision that includes all our citizens, not just some."

"The forces of our opposition have been tireless," Springsteen said, before thanking Obama for health care reform, "a more regulated Wall Street," and the fact that "GM is still making cars."

"Without them, what would I write about?" he asked with a smile. "I'd have no job."

Springsteen, who endorsed the president and touted the importance of this election, also played some crowd pleasers at the rally to rev up the audience. The Boss played six songs including a cover of Woody Guthrie's "This Land is Your Land," "We Take Care of Our Own," from his new album and "No Surrender," which he dedicated to the president. Springsteen closed out the rally with the fan favorite "Thunder Road."

A few days earlier, the rocker released a written endorsement of the president on his website.

"Right now, there is a choice going on in America, and I'm happy that we live in a country where we all participate in that process," the "Born in the U.S.A." singer writes. "For me, President Obama is our best choice because he has a vision of the United States as a place where we are all in this together."


quicklist: 3title:Lindsay Lohan Becomes Political Turncoatcategory: Mitt Romneytext:Actress Lindsay Lohan has voiced her support for GOP Presidential Candidate, Mitt Romney. "I think unemployment is very important for now, so as of now I think (my vote) is Mitt Romney." Lohan made the comment Oct. 11 reports FOX411's Pop Tarts, at the Mr. Pink Ginseng Drink Launch Party Los Angeles.

Lohan who called President Obama's presidential victory "amazing" four years ago , admitted that she was unable to watch the Vice Presidential Debate but didn't specify a reason, suggesting mysterious undertones for switching her political allegiance and supporting the Republican ticket.

"It's a long story, but you're going to have to wait for that." Lohan remarked.

The troubled actress' political activism has spiked in recent weeks. Just last month Lohan tweeted the president, suggesting that he "cut taxes for those who need it: middle-class families, small businesses" as well as "those that are listed on Forbes as 'millionaires'."


quicklist: 4title:"Girls" Star Endorses Obamacategory: Barack Obamatext:Lena Dunham, the creator, writer and star of the HBO series "Girls," endorsed Barack Obama's reelection bid via Twitter.

The tweet read, "I'm voting because I want to party at my sister's future wedding #ForAll" and was accompanied by a photo of Dunham with the words "marriage equality" written across her hand. The star's announcement grabbed the attention of the Obama campaign and was featured on its official tumblr page.

Dunham's sister Grace acted alongside her in the film "Tiny Furniture," which was also written and directed by the "Girls" star.


quicklist: 5title: 'Clueless' Star Gives Romney Red Hot Endorsement category: Mitt Romneytext: Stacey Dash -- who rose to prominence by playing Alicia Silverstone's character's best friend in the movie "Clueless" -- endorsed Mitt Romney Oct. 7 on Twitter, sharing a picture of herself in a red bathing suit in front of an American flag backdrop.

"Vote for Romney. The only choice for your future," Dash tweeted.

Dash received some heat for her endorsement, with some of her Twitter followers tweeting insults at the '90s movie star.

Abortion-activist and Obama supporter Sandra Fluke came to Dash's defense on Twitter, writing, "So disappointed to see people attacking @REALStaceyDash for voicing her opinion. Disagree politically, but #racist attacks are unacceptable."

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quicklist: 6title: Romney Gets Buzz Bissinger Endorsement category: Mitt Romney text: Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and "Friday Night Lights" author, Buzz Bissinger, has officially endorsed Mitt Romney.

Romney lately has been using the motto from the television show "Friday Night Lights," based on Bissinger's book. "Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose" was printed on a poster that the Romney campaign hung in the Magness Arena during the presidential debate in Denver on Oct. 3. Romney started his stump speech on Oct. 5 with the phrase as well.

Explaining his endorsement in a Monday, Oct. 8 column for the Daily Beast, Bissinger wrote, "Four years ago, all Obama had to do was speak and everyone swooned. That was four years ago. It is now four years later. He is no longer the chosen one. He is just too cool for school in a country desperate for the infectiousness of rejuvenation."

Although he supported Obama in the 2008 election, he has come to the conclusion that "Romney has it" and "Our president no longer does." The tipping point, he says, came last week after watching the two candidates debate in Denver.


quicklist: 7category: Mitt Romneytitle: Romney Scores Touchdown Endorsementtext: Mitt Romney received a hefty endorsement from Denver Broncos legendary QB John Elway.

Elway threw his support behind presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Oct. 1, two days before the first presidential debate in Denver.

The football legend called the Romney ticket a touchdown, dubbing Mitt Romney and running mate Paul Ryan America's "comeback team."

"Gov. Romney is a proven leader with the experience and background to turn around our struggling economy," Elway said in a news release. "In these tough economic times, we need a president who understands how to get America working again -- by standing on the side of taxpayers and small-business owners who do the real job creating. I am endorsing Gov. Romney and Congressman Ryan for president and vice president, because I know having the courage to make decisions and tackle challenges is what leads to results and real change. America needs a comeback team – Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are that team."

After his endorsement, Elway appeared at a rally for Romney in Denver, which the Romney campaign said drew 5,500 people.


quicklist: 8title: Obama Gets Celeb Attention Overseascategory: Barack Obamatext: Pop sensation Jennifer Lopez was just one of the many famous faces who attended a Democratic fundraiser in Paris for President Obama. The singer was accompanied by her beau, Casper Smart, 25, a dancer in her video for "Get on the Floor."

The celeb couple was joined by a flock of celebrities who came out to support the president at the swanky international event hosted by Vogue editor Anna Wintour. Guests included Scarlett Johansson, Kanye West, Stella McCartney, Mick Jagger and Lee Radziwill.

The Paris party had a $2,500 ticket price and reportedly Johansson took the stage at the event to deliver a speech in support of the president. The supporters gathered at La Maison 8, a former home of designer Kenzo Takada.

This is not the first fundraiser hosted by the Vogue editor. Wintour has already held two fundraisers for Obama this year. Wintour is in Paris for Fashion Week to view spring/summer 2013 collections. By the time those clothes are in stores, Wintour no doubt hopes that President Obama will still be in the White House.


quicklist: 9title: Romney Gets a 'Dirty' Sort of Endorsementcategory: Mitt Romney text: Mike Rowe, host of the Discovery Channel series "Dirty Jobs," appeared with Mitt Romney Sept. 26, 2012, at a campaign event in Ohio. The media personality and Ford ad star touted the importance of job opportunity while standing next to the GOP presidential nominee onstage.

"There's got to be a better way to be happy and successful in your career than simply assuming a massive amount of debt and exiting an educational program that gives you a degree without training," Rowe said.

Despite appearing at Romney's campaign event, Rowe argued he was not technically endorsing Romney. Earlier this month, Rowe posted an online open letter to Romney. The letter began, "If you read the whole thing, I'll vote for you in November."

Rowe said Romney responded to his letter.

Rowe's post, which aimed to emphasize the value of hard work and the nation's skills gap, was not one-of-a-kind, as Rowe admitted in a postscript that he directed in a similar letter to President Obama in 2008.

"P.S. In the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that I wrote a similar letter to President Obama," Rowe wrote in the letter. "Of course, that was four years ago, and since I never heard back, I believe proper etiquette allows me to extend the same offer to you now. I figure if I post it here, the odds are better that someone you know might send it along to your attention."


quicklist: 10title: Jay-Z and Beyoncecategory: Barack Obamatext: President Obama was hosted Sept. 18 in New York City by rap mogul Jay-Z and wife Beyonce. The fundraiser, organized by the two longtime Obama supporters, was held in the rapper's swanky 40/40 Club in the heart of Manhattan.

The mega-star power couple has an ongoing relationship with the first family. Beyonce sang at the president's inauguration in 2008, and she also attended a fundraising dinner in March hosted by the first lady. The love of the ladies is mutual as Michelle Obama helped Beyonce with efforts to promote global humanitarianism.

Jay-Z and the president also have a bond. In early September, the president appeared in a prerecorded video at a Jay-Z event in Philadelphia.

In an email to Obama supporters, Beyonce said she's a huge fan and will do whatever it takes to help him win a close race.

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quicklist: 11title: Gwen Stefanicategory: Barack Obamatext: There was face painting, animal balloons and fake tattoos on the tennis courts, and big white umbrellas on the lawn of Gwen Stefani's Beverly Hills house Sunday, Aug. 12, as she played host to Michelle Obama for a family-friendly Sunday of Fun.

The No Doubt rocker and her two sons, 6-year-old Kingston and 3-year-old Zuma, frolicked with the first lady at the $2,500-per-family fundraiser, which Stefani called a "playdate."

"Getting ready for Michelle Obama to come for a playdate," Stefani tweeted before the event, adding later that "Zuma cried all over my pink top! Oh well mom central."

While President Obama has been racking up Hollywood endorsers, the first lady has attracted support of her own from an array of female singers.

From Stefani to Beyonce to George Clooney to Morgan Freeman, here's a look at the celebrities who have thrown their support to Obama, and those who have put their money on Mitt Romney.

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quicklist: 12title: Elizabeth Bankscategory: Barack Obamatext: "Hunger Games" actress Elizabeth Banks may not want to talk to her employer about her intimate women's health issues, but she candidly laid them out for President Obama supporters in a campaign ad.

Banks, who played Effie Trinket in "The Hunger Games," admitted she got birth control from Planned Parenthood as an uninsured college graduate "for my massive migraine headaches and my heavy flow."

"These aren't the types of things I want to discuss with employers," Banks said, weighing in on the debate between Republicans and Democrats over Planned Parenthood funding. "That's between me and my doctor and, at the time, my doctor happened to be at Planned Parenthood. So I'm really grateful they exist."

Banks said she was supporting Obama because he has "not compromised on women's rights," while his GOP rival Mitt Romney wants to cut funding for Planned Parenthood over the small percentage of the health care provider's business that goes to providing abortions.

"For that little 5 percent that Mitt Romney decides he doesn't agree with he's going to take away cancer screenings? What is he doing?" Banks says in the ad. "He's going to take away people's access to health care close by."

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quicklist: 13title: Anne Hathawaycategory: Barack Obamatext: Days after "The Dark Night Rises" hauled in $36 million at the box offices last weekend, its fierce female star, Anne Hathaway, helped President Obama rake in millions for his re-election campaign at a Hollywood-studded fundraiser in Connecticut.

Hathaway co-hosted the $35,800 per-person fundraiser Aug. 6, 2012, with producer Harvey Weinstein at his home in Connecticut. The duo helped Obama add $2 million to his campaign war chest.

Hathaway is a longtime Obama supporter, having attended his inauguration festivities in 2009 and telling People magazine shortly after his election that she'd love to work in the White House as "first babysitter" for Obama's daughters, Sasha and Malia.

The president returned the compliment at Monday's fundraiser, gushing about Hathaway's "spectacular" performance as Catwoman in the latest Batman movie.

"She's spectacular," Obama told the crowd of about 60 supporters. "I got a chance to see 'Batman,' and she was the best thing in it.

"That's just my personal opinion," the president said as Hathaway beamed and laughed, according to the pool press report.

Other notable names at the fashionable fundraiser included "West Wing" screenwriter Aaron Sorkin, Vogue editor Anna Wintour and reality-TV host Jerry Springer.

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quicklist: 14title: Clint Eastwoodcategory: Mitt Romneytext: On Aug. 3, Clint Eastwood came out in support of Mitt Romney when he made an appearance at an Idaho fundraiser for the presumptive GOP nominee.

The Oscar-winning director said he is supporting Romney this November "because I think the country needs a boost somewhere."

Actor George Clooney was an Obama supporter before being an Obama supporter was cool. In a 2006 interview with ABC News, Clooney said then-Sen. Obama was "the most charismatic person I've been in a room with in a long time."

"I must tell you, I've never seen anybody in my life in person that was as qualified this young to do what I think we need done," Clooney said.

And six years later, Clooney is still a firm Obama supporter. Clooney hosted one of the biggest fundraisers of the year for President Obama, hauling in a record-breaking $15 million at the star-studded black tie event at Clooney's Hollywood home.

Other big names at the $40,000 per plate dinner included actors Toby Maguire and Salma Hayek, designer Diane Von Furstenberg, singer Barbara Streisand and comedian Billy Crystal.

"I'm disillusioned by the people who are disillusioned by Obama, quite honestly, I am," Clooney said on ABC News Now's "Popcorn with Peter Travers" before the October release of "The Ides of March," a political movie that he wrote, directed and starred in. "Democrats eat their own. Democrats find singular issues and go, 'Well, I didn't get everything I wanted.' I'm a firm believer in sticking by and sticking up for the people whom you've elected."

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quicklist: 26title: Sarah Jessica Parkercategory: Barack Obamatext: Two weeks after the president enlisted the help of Hollywood A-lister George Clooney to host a $12 million campaign fundraiser, Obama is pumping up his star power again, only this time it's "Sex and the City" star Sarah Jessica Parker who is hosting.

Parker is not only an Obama donor, but has participated in his campaigns and his administration. She volunteered to call undecided voters in the week leading up to the election in 2008, she served on the president's Committee on Arts and the Humanities starting in 2009, and she recorded a public service announcement supporting a White House veterans program earlier this year.

"For me, this election is even more important than 2008," Parker wrote in a letter to Obama supporters. "I'm hosting this event on June 14th because there is so much at stake this year, and I want to keep doing what I can."

The "fabulous" New York City fundraiser, as Parker describes it, is likely to be a hot spot for celebrities, much like Clooney's Los Angeles gala was.


quicklist: 27title: Jeff Foxworthycategory: Endorsed: Mitt Romneytext: He already loves the cheesy grits. He has perfected the twang in his "y'all." And in order to further beef up his Southern street cred before the Alabama and Mississippi primaries, Mitt Romney called in the blue-collar cavalry.

Self-proclaimed Redneck comedian Jeff Foxworthy joined Romney on the Alabama campaign trail in March, just days before the state's primary election, after endorsing the GOP candidate via Twitter.

"Time for Republicans to unite behind Governor Romney, a great leader who can win the White House and rebuild our economy for all Americans," Foxworthy tweeted.

The "Blue Collar Comedy Tour" headliner most famous for his "you might be a redneck if..." jokes went out on the stump to support Romney amid a torrential downpour in Mobile, Ala., before traveling to two additional meet and greets in Biloxi, Mississippi and Richland, Mississippi.

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quicklist: 28title: Bon Jovicategory: Barack Obamatext: Ten days before Sarah Jessica Parker hosts her "fabulous" fundraiser, rocker Jon Bon Jovi will take the stage to serenade Obama donors at an equally-pricey and similarly-star-studded fundraising "gala dinner."

Like Parker, Bon Jovi is a longtime Obama supporter. He hosted a fundraiser for then-candidate Obama at his home in 2008 and was one of a handful of music stars who played in Obama's pre-inauguration concert.

The rock star also serves on the White House Council on Community Solutions, which promotes volunteerism and community building.

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quicklist: 29category: Endorsed: Barack Obamatitle: James Taylortext: How sweet is it to be loved by James Taylor? If you're President Obama, it's pretty sweet considering the sing/songwriter is embarking on an 18-city concert tour through a handful of battleground states.

Taylor, who endorsed Obama in 2008 as well, said he will throw a little politics between the fire and rain on his folk-rock tour this year.

"I really love this president. I love what it says about America, that we were able to elect this man," Taylor, 63, said in an interview with local North Carolina TV affiliate WCNC.

The North Carolina native will sing the president's praises in tough general election states like Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio and Colorado.


quicklist: 30category: Endorsed: Mitt Romneytitle: Ted Nugenttext: Hollywood may be leaning toward President Obama, but the rockers seem to be picking Romney. Ted Nugent came out in support of Mitt Romney shortly after Kid Rock made a guest appearance on the Romney campaign trial to play his song "Born Free."

Nugent announced his endorsement on Twitter, telling his 44,000 followers "after a long heart & soul conversation with Mitt Romney today I concluded this good man will properly represent we the people & I endorsed him."

Nugent, who is from Michigan but now lives in Texas, told the Texas Tribune that before deciding on his endorsement he spoke with Romney over the phone to make sure the former Massachusetts governor would not enact any gun law restrictions and would help rein in what he dubbed the "out of control" U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

"The conclusion based on all the evidence I can find is that Mitt Romney has the best shot at bringing the U.S. Constitution, common sense, and the American way back to the White House," Nugent told the Tribune.

But Romney was not Nugent's first choice for president.

"It is my firm belief that Rick Perry would have [made] and would make the best president we could choose," Nugent said, adding that he was baffled by Perry's debate performances. "If the real Rick Perry had been at those debates, he would still be in the race."

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quicklist: 31category: Supports: Mitt Romneytitle: Kid Rocktext: Kid Rock found his presidential jam the day before his home state's voters found their polling places. The rapper-turned-country-rocker belted out "Born Free," Mitt Romney's official campaign song, at the presidential candidate's final Michigan rally before Romney's home state voted Feb. 28.

While the musician did not actually endorse Romney, he insisted on a personal meeting with the GOP candidate before he agreed to take the stage at Romney's rally.

"The other day I got in my car and I drove out to a home of a fellow that lives in this area, and I asked him whether he might come here tonight," Romney said before introducing Kid Rock. "He said, 'If you're elected president, will you help me help the city of Detroit?' I said I would. And then I turned to him, and I said, 'By the way, given the fact that I'm willing to do those things, will you come here and perform a concert tonight for my friends, and he said he would."

Rock's pseudo-endorsement represents a change of heart for the music star. During the last presidential race, Rock, whose real name is Bob Ritchie, said celebrities should keep their political opinions to themselves.

"I truly believe that people like myself, who are in a position of entertainers in the limelight, should keep their mouth shut on politics," he told CMT Insider. "Because at the end of the day, I'm good at writing songs and singing. What I'm not educated in is the field of political science. And so for me to be sharing my views and influencing people of who I think they should be voting for ... I think would be very irresponsible on my part."

Rock went on to say that celebrity endorsements actually "hurt politicians."

"As soon as somebody comes out for a politician, especially in Hollywood, when they all go, 'I'm voting for this guy!' -- I go, 'That's not who I'm voting for!'" Rock said in the 2008 interview.


quicklist: 32category: Supports: Barack Obamatitle: Bill Mahertext:While another comedian makes a mockery of Super PACs, liberal jokester Bill Maher put $1 million worth of support behind the pro-Obama Super PAC Priorities USA.

Maher said he decided to write the mega-check to Priorities "partially out of fear -- fear of Santorum and Romney," who he said live in a "bubble of insanity."

"Half the country is nuts, and Obama could very well lose," Maher told the Los Angeles Times after announcing his donation in February. "He may not have been the best president in his first term, but given the alternative, I feel there's a clear choice.

"Unless the rich liberals get into the game," Maher added, "Obama will be horribly outspent. If he is outspent, he stands a good chance of losing."

Maher told ABC News that he hoped his hefty donation would inspire other wealthy Democrats to do the same.

"Hey, rich liberals," he said. "If I can do this, there's a lot of people who can do it even easier."

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quicklist: 33category: Endorsed: Barack Obamatitle: Eva Longoriaurl: text:
To say that actress Eva Longoria is an Obama supporter would be a glaring understatement.

Not only has the "Desperate Housewives" star publicly announced her support for the president and held high-dollar fundraisers to fill his election war chest, she is one of two big names in Hollywood who signed on to be one of 35 "ambassadors" for his re-election campaign.

Longoria will spearhead efforts to reach women and Hispanic voters leading up to the 2012 election, Obama's re-election campaign announced in February. Kalpen Modi (aka Kal Penn) is the only other actor on the list.

Before a high-dollar fundraising dinner with the president in September, Longoria told Jimmy Kimmel that Obama has been "very receptive" to her in her efforts to promote Latino issues.

"I'm a big Obama supporter no matter what he's been through -- he's been beaten up the past couple of years," Longoria said, according to the Huffington Post. "He's been very receptive for me, I'm a big advocate for Latino issues, and so he's been a big listener and he's done a lot of coalitions and roundtables regarding what we want changed."

Longoria helped raise between $200,000 and $500,000 for Obama's re-election in 2011 and in she helped inspire additional online donations in December when the Obama campaign raffled off a dinner with the actress to five online donors.

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quicklist: 34category: Endorsed: Newt Gingrichtitle: Chuck Norris url: text:
Chuck Norris' endorsement of Newt Gingrich was nearly as epic as the decades of jokes about his larger-than-life persona.

"Civilization is on the brink," Norris wrote in a editorial. "We need a veteran of political war who has already fought Goliath, because he will be facing Goliath's bigger brother. [Gingrich] is the best man left on the battlefield who is able to outwit, outplay and outlast Obama and his campaign machine."

After the endorsement, Gingrich anointed Norris as a member of his "Faith Leaders Dream Team," a group of what he called "fearless Christians" who serve as Gingrich's "official advisory coalition on issues pertaining to life, marriage, and religious liberty," according to his campaign website.

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quicklist: 35category: Endorsed: Mitt Romneytitle: Donald Trumpurl: text:
If you ask Donald Trump, the most important endorsement of the GOP primary was Donald Trump's, which he bestowed on Mitt Romney after a whirlwind of rumors that the real estate mogul was going to pick Newt Gingrich.

Trump officially announced his endorsement in the Trump International Hotel on the Las Vegas strip shortly before the Nevada Caucus.

"Mitt is tough, he's smart, he's sharp, he's not going to allow bad things to continue to happen to this country that we all love," Trump said. "So, Gov. Romney, go out and get 'em. You can do it."

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quicklist: 36category: Endorsed: Ron Paul title: Vince Vaughn url:text:
Hollywood humor met primary politics when actor Vince Vaughn endorsed Rep. Ron Paul while introducing him at the Liberty Political Action Conference in September.

"Ron and Vince are friends, with Vince not merely interested in Dr. Paul's philosophy but he also graciously invited Dr. and Mrs. Paul to the premier of his film 'Couples Retreat,'" Paul's campaign manager Jesse Benton said in a statement, according to Slate.

Vaughn is a long-time supporter of Paul, having endorsed his 2009 book "End the Fed," as well.

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quicklist: 37category: Endorsed: Barack Obamatitle: Stephen Spielbergurl: text:
Having a three-time Academy Award winning director on your side is not only good for morale; it's also great for fundraising. Director Steven Spielberg donated nearly $150,000 to Democratic election efforts in 2011, including $5,000 to Obama's campaign and $100,000 to pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

While Spielberg is a long-time supporter of the Democratic Party, he was not one of the original Hollywood Obama-backers. During the 2008 Democratic primary, Spielberg endorsed Obama's opponent Hillary Clinton.

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quicklist: 38category: Endorsed: Mitt Romneytitle: Cindy Crawford url: text:
Supermodel City Crawford was a firm supporter of Barack Obama in 2008, with both she and her husband contributing the federal limit to the Illinois senator's presidential campaign.

But in 2012, the model-turned-actress is putting her bet on Mitt Romney. Crawford appeared in an early campaign video for the former Massachusetts governor, although her spokeswoman told CNN at the time that Crawford was "not politically aligned with any party or candidate" and merely doing a favor for one of Romney's sons, with whom she was friends.

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quicklist: 39category: Supporting: Ron Paul title: Kelly Clarksonurl: text:
While pop star Kelly Clarkson did not officially endorse Ron Paul, the original "American Idol" winner tweeted some Ron Paul Revolution love to her 1.1 million followers back in December.

"I love Ron Paul," Clarkson tweeted. "I liked him a lot during the last Republican nomination, and no one gave him a chance. If he wins the nomination for the Republican Party in 2012, he's got my vote. Too bad he probably won't."

Clarkson's tepid support ignited a deluge of 140-character criticisms from her Twitter fans, many of whom were apparently unhappy about racist newsletters Paul sent out during his decades-long tenure as a Texas congressman.

Clarkson later apologized to her Twitter fans for throwing her support behind Paul.

"I am really sorry if I have offended anyone," Clarkson tweeted. "Obviously, that was not my intent. I do not support racism. I support gay rights, straight rights, women's rights, men's rights, white/black/purple/orange rights. I like Ron Paul because he believes in less government and letting the people (all of us) make the decisions and mold our country. That is all. Out of all of the Republican nominees, he's my favorite."

In an interview for Rolling Stone in March, Clarkson said she was flabbergasted by the instant outrage that her political-themed tweet incited.

"I'm hanging out with my brother and my little niece, playing Barbies, and Ron Paul comes on TV," she said according to Politico. "He doesn't BS around anything. I was like, 'This dude is refreshing.' All I did was tweet what I thought, and people went crazy! All of a sudden people were like, 'You hate gay people' -- what? I didn't even endorse him! All I said was that I liked him. I voted for Barack, so it's not even like I'm a hardcore Republican."

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quicklist: 40category: Supports: Ron Paul title: Michelle Branchurl: text:
Apparently pop stars flock together when it comes to presidential endorsements. Shortly after Kelly Clarkson tweeted her support for Ron Paul, fellow pop princess Michelle Branch retweeted her support, writing, "@kelly_clarkson I wholeheartedly agree. #RonPaul."

Branch is best known for her early 2000s hits "Breathe" and "All You Wanted."

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quicklist: 41category: Endorsed: Mitt Romneytitle: Gene Simmonsurl: text:
Gene Simmons, the bassist in the rock band Kiss, chose team Romney in January, telling Big Hollywood that Romney has the best chance of beating President Obama.

"Who's got a chance? Mitt Romney's got a chance and he's got the experience," Simmons said in the Big Hollywood interview. "He's run successful companies, knows how to make money. I believe Mitt Romney and President Obama are going to have a very good dialogue, and I want to hear that dialogue."

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quicklist: 42category: Endorsed: Ron Paul title: Joe Perry url: text:
In what is becoming typical rock star fashion, Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry used Twitter to tell the world he was voting for Ron Paul.

"Obama hasn't done anything close to what he promised he'd do," Perry tweeted in January. "Didn't get my vote and I got lotta grief. Well, my votes for Ron Paul."

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quicklist: 43category: Endorsed: Rick Santorumtitle: Pat Boone url: text:
The 1950s singer, actor and author Pat Boone, 77, threw his support behind Rick Santorum, saying in a statement that Santorum is "experienced, honest and deeply principled," according to Politico.

"I am excited to endorse Rick Santorum for president. I've known Rick for many years, and Rick has been a consistent defender of conservatism and the values our great nation was founded upon," Boone said in a statement released by Santorum's campaign.

Boone, whose rendition of Little Richard's "Tutti Fruiti" sent him to the top of the Billboard charts, is an outspoken critic of President Obama. He told the San Francisco chronicle in September that he believes the president was born in Kenya, is a Muslim and is "spending millions" to hide his real birth certificate. Each charge was refuted after Obama released both his certificate of live birth and long-form birth certificate.


quicklist: 44category: Endorsed: Donald Trumptitle: Snookiurl: text:
The Donald might not be running for president, but if he were, he would enjoy the backing of one of his fellow reality-TV superstars, Snooki. The "Jersey Shore" diva, whose real name is Nicole Polizzi, told the Huffington Post in January that Donald Trump would be her pick for president.

"I thought Trump was going to run," Snooki told the Huffington Post. "But he's not, right? I would endorse him and vote for him."

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