Ann Romney ‘thrilled to death' about her horse's Olympic performance

ByABC News
August 2, 2012, 9:54 AM

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Ann Romney says she was "thrilled to death" by her horse Rafalca's performance at today's Olympic dressage competition.

The horse scored a 70.213 on Thursday, landing it in fourth place in the first round of the competition behind Great Britain, Denmark and Germany.

According to the Associated Press, Romney sat "literally on the edge of her seat" in the venue's VIP section as the 15-year-old mare completed a series of trots and pirouettes in what has been described as horse ballet.

"She was consistent and elegant," Romney told the AP afterwards. "She did not disappoint. She thrilled me to death."

Romney flew to London Tuesday after traveling with her husband on his weeklong overseas trip. With her horse expected to move on to the finals on Aug. 7, Romney is expected to remain overseas until early next week.