Jeb Bush campaigns for Romney in Ohio

ByABC News
July 18, 2012, 10:34 AM

— -- AKRON, Ohio--Jeb Bush has repeatedly said he has no interest in being Mitt Romney's running mate, but in a move that is sure to revive rumors about his vice presidential chances, the former Florida governor is campaigning in Ohio Wednesday for the GOP nominee.

On Wednesday morning, Bush traveled to Hamilton, Ohio--near Cincinnati--where he toured a local metal company and spoke to supporters about President Barack Obama's economic record.

It was Bush first campaign appearance on behalf of Romney, who is scheduled to hold his own rally about 170 miles away in Bowling Green on Wednesday.

But Bush isn't the only Republican surrogate stumping for Romney in Ohio. Per the RNC, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who is also rumored to be a possible VP pick, will hold a rally in Columbus on Wednesday afternoon.