NRCC uses tax vote against five key House Democrats

ByABC News
August 2, 2012, 4:04 PM

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The National Republican Congressional Committee is using Wednesday's tax vote against five vulnerable Democrats, casting them as enemies of small business owners.

"Garamendi and Obama want to raise taxes on California's small businesses in order to pay for more of their failed programs," the narrator of the ad attacking California Rep. John Garamendi states. "Garamendi's tax hikes would stop job creators from creating jobs. It's about time we stop Garamendi. Call Congressman John Garamendi. Tell him to stop the tax hikes on small business owners."

The committee is paying $10,000 each for five online pre-roll ads attacking Democratic Reps. Bruce Braley of Iowa's 1st District, Garamendi of California's 3rd District, Mike Michaud of Maine's 2nd, Nick Rahall of West Virginia's 3rd, and Betty Sutton of Ohio's 13th, who is currently running in the 16th.

All five lawmakers voted Wednesday with a majority of Democrats against extending the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for all Americans, including the wealthiest earners, instead preferring to extend them only for households earning $250,000 or less ending loopholes for the wealthiest earners. Republicans say the Democratic preference is an attack on small business owners who file business tax returns through individual returns.

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