Richard Mourdock releases response videos to health care decision early

ByABC News
June 21, 2012, 5:33 PM

— -- Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock ready to respond to any possible outcome surrounding the Supreme Court's decision on the constitutionality of the health care law. How do we know? He taped four separate reaction videos and accidentally posted them on his YouTube channel on Thursday.

His staff quickly took down the spots, but not before the video team at Talking Points Memo snagged them.

Of course, crafting a response in advance is a common practice--journalists often pre-write stories--but they do provide a small peek behind the curtain of how the party will respond to the decision from the high court.

So without further ado, roll tape!

If the Court delays:

If the Court upholds the law:

If the Court find the law unconstitutional:

If the Court strikes down just part of the law: