Thursday in politics: Obama in Florida and Virginia, Romney in Colorado, and more

ByABC News
August 2, 2012, 7:24 AM

— -- President Barack Obama will campaign Thursday in two battleground states — Florida and Virginia. A Quinnipiac University/New York Times/CBS News poll out Wednesday showed Obama leading Mitt Romney in Florida among likely voters 51 percent to 45 percent.

Romney will be back on the campaign trail for the first time since his three-country overseas tour. He'll be in Colorado, also a 2012 battleground state. Romney will be joined at one stop by Republican Governors Bobby Jindal, Susana Martinez, Nikki Haley, Bob McDonnell, Jan Brewer, Chris Christie, Mary Fallin, Rick Perry, Gary Herbert and Matt Mead, who are in the state for their quarterly meeting. It will be Romney's first visit to the state since the Aurora movie shooting.

Also worth noting on Thursday: First lady Michelle Obama will campaign in New Hampshire, another battleground state, and Sen. Marco Rubio will be in Florida campaigning for Romney.

And then there is this: A debate over who is more opposed to construction of a mosque near Nashville has become an issue in a Tennessee Republican congressional primary to be decided on Thursday, Reuters reports. Freshman Rep. Diane Black is challenged by Lou Ann Zelenik. Zelenik, who has opposed the mosque and warned of potential terrorist connections, said Black has not been forceful enough in her opposition. The race is one of several Tennessee congressional primaries on Thursday.

Sources: Yahoo! News, Associated Press, Reuters