President Hears Unfamiliar Critics as Republicans Grow Wary of War

President Bush is confronted with a rising tide of hostility from his own party.

ByABC News
May 10, 2007, 5:30 PM

May 10, 2007— -- After years of relying on near-total Republican loyalty on the Iraq War, President Bush is suddenly confronting a major revolt inside his party's ranks in Congress, with a growing number of Republicans fearful of an electoral backlash if the president doesn't change course.

Tuesday's extraordinary meeting at the White House, where 11 House Republican moderates bluntly shared their concerns with the president, marked the most dramatic display to date of GOP unease over the war.

"It was about as candid as I've ever seen it from members of Congress to President Bush," said Rep. Ray LaHood, R-Ill., who participated in the meeting. "I think he understood what members were saying. He listened very intently. He certainly didn't get defensive. I think his mood was pretty sober."

Thursday, two GOP senators -- Lamar Alexander of Tennessee and Olympia J. Snowe of Maine -- joined with Democrats in unveiling bills that aim to alter U.S. policy in Iraq, despite the White House's objections.

"Time is running out, and America's patience is finite," said Snowe, who traveled to Iraq last weekend. "We cannot further countenance political intransigence by the Iraqi government while our men and women are on the frontline making sacrifices each and every day."

Participants in the Tuesday meeting said Bush seemed to get the message that his administration has little time to show progress in Iraq.

The president acknowledged concern that Iraq could lead to Republican losses in next year's elections, and said at one point, "I don't want to pass this off to another president."

The first test of party loyalty could come as soon as Thursday night, with Democrats pushing the latest version of their war-funding bill.

The White House opposes it because it would give the administration only about half of the money it is looking for, and most Republicans appear ready to back the president.

But the president shouldn't mistake that solidarity for any lasting loyalty to his administration, said Tony Fabrizio, a Republican pollster.