Three GOP Presidential Hopefuls to Appear on Panel Moderated by ABC’s Jonathan Karl
Koch Brothers-backed nonprofit will hold panel for GOP potential 2016ers.

— -- Three of the most talked about potential GOP presidential candidates will appear together this weekend at a panel sponsored by the Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, in this year's first forum of presidential hopefuls.
At the group's winter meeting Sunday in Palm Springs, California, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio will participate in a panel discussion on domestic economic issues, including health care and energy policy. ABC News chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl will moderate the discussion.
The Arlington, Virginia-based Freedom Partners is a not-for-profit advocacy group affiliated with Charles and David Koch, two of the country's best known conservative mega-donors.
The hour-long "American Recovery Policy Forum" featuring the senators is a first of its kind for the organization. It's an attempt to have the organization play a more active role in shaping the national political dialogue, according to James Davis, a spokesman for Freedom Partners.
"Our members care deeply about the future of our nation and we're honored to host some of today's most influential and respected leaders in shaping public policy," Davis said. "We hope that this panel will give each participant the opportunity to lay out their vision for a more free and prosperous society."
Cruz, Paul, and Rubio are considering 2016 presidential bids. The winter retreat is expected to draw close to 450 attendees who are members and supporters of Freedom Partners and allied groups.
The panel discussion will take place Sunday at 8:30 p.m. PT, and an partial livestream will feature the event. In addition, Karl will report for ABC News platforms from the event.