Growing up Democrat in red state Texas, Republican in blue state California

These families say they face backlash for their political beliefs.

ByABC News
September 27, 2017, 3:22 PM

— -- Most Americans today believe our country is deeply politically divided and politically active, and it has even trickled down into elementary schools.

“People have punched me in the face before” for supporting President Donald Trump, said 8-year-old Satya, whose parents are Republicans, voted for Trump and who live in California, a traditionally deep blue state. Satya said she has even lost friends over it.

Similarly, in Texas, a traditionally red state, another 8-year-old named Zoe whose mother is Democrats said, “My friend Matthew, he was worried about his grandparents getting deported when Donald Trump became the president.”

“Nightline” spoke to three mothers who are who are Democrats living in Texas and three mothers who are Republicans living in California, all of whom said their kids received backlash at school and from friends for their families’ political beliefs.

“Oh, people say, ‘You’re bad because you like Donald Trump and I wanted Hillary,’ and they get mad at me,” said Kieran, a 9-year-old living in Los Angeles County.

Veronica Penrod, a Democrat living in Texas, said after the election, kids at her child’s school were going around saying “build the wall.” She added that her family is concerned that her being a Democrat means she doesn’t have a relationship with God.

Over in Los Angeles County, California, Republican women were feeling similarly shamed for their beliefs. A group of them meet in a private Facebook group to chat about their support for Trump since the election in a “safe space,” as one mom put it. The mothers “Nightline” spoke to in California asked that their last names not be used.

One mother named Elizabeth said some people in the Facebook group are in the entertainment industry or are business owners and said, “people can’t be out about [their support for Trump] because it could jeopardize their career.”

Elizabeth’s 11-year-old son Dwight said, “I wore a Trump shirt to school, and everyone got all mad at me.”

When President Barack Obama was elected, Dwight said, “We didn’t go out on the street and protest, and break things down and burn things, we kept quiet for eight years so why can’t the Democrats just let us have our fun.”

“Nightline” first met Dwight and his mother at PolitiCon earlier this summer, a convention in Los Angeles. “We went because Dwight wanted to go,” Elizabeth said.

Dwight said he voted for Trump in his school’s mock election and he said when he told his friends who he voted for, he was called “a disgrace.”

“And I was like, ‘Well I should have my own political beliefs,’” he said. “And I don’t harass you for liking Obama.”

Another California Republican mom named Amy said “people on the left” in their area are “very vocal” about their opinions, “but when I’m vocal about my opinions, I am racist, I’m intolerant.”

Amy said she tells her children not to talk about politics or talk about the fact their parents voted for Trump when they are at school.

Carrie, Satya’s mother, said her daughter told her that girls at school were telling her that “Trump grabs women,” a loose reference to the infamous 2005 “Hollywood Access” tape were Trump could be heard making lewd comments about women.

“She comes home and she tells me this stuff and I said, ‘Honey, it’s much more complicated than that,’” Carrie said.

“We live in this bubble, in L.A.,” Amy added.

“It’s not a friendly environment,” Carrie agreed, adding that she had a “Jail Hillary” sticker on her car and that “did not go well.”

Los Angeles County voted 72 percent for Hillary Clinton and 22.5 percent for Trump in the 2016 presidential election. But despite differences, all three California mothers said the animosity they have received had “never been this bad.”

“And the issues have never been this critical,” Carrie said. “We have never had the level of national security threat, and he [Trump] has been very productive, the economy, the stock market, jobs.”

“We end up with a country where people are just too scared to get involved and fix what’s really wrong,” she added.

The Democratic families in Texas disagree on that point—they are active in the Tarrant County Democratic Women’s group which has experienced unprecedented growth since Donald Trump was elected. They routinely protest and participate in human rights-oriented marches.

Vanessa Adia, a teacher and a mother of two, seemed hopeful that there are opportunities to bridge the political divide. She is a Democrat running in the Texas 12th Congressional district against a 20-year Republican incumbent. She says she wants to enter political office because “who is going to fight for my children… and my students?”

One of the things every mom shares, Adia continued, is they want to know their children are safe when they leave the house.

“Those are values that every single parent has in common and I think that’s generally a good starting point when we’re talking with people,” Adia said.

Similarly, the Republican moms in California say despite differences over the major issues, there are things all moms have in common.

And again, kids learn from their parents. Little Zoe is the daughter of retired U.S. Army veteran Brittney Power, who says she voted for Hillary Clinton.

“My mom talked to me about [Trump] and she was like, ‘He doesn’t like gay people, he doesn’t like all sorts of stuff, and it made me realize Donald Trump was a bad person,” Zoe said.

Leah Payne, the president of the Tarrant County Democratic Women’s Club, still has her “Texans for Hillary” sign out on her lawn, as well as a rainbow American flag and a homemade, bright pink Planned Parenthood wreath featuring various forms of contraception.

Payne said there is a group of people in the Ft. Worth area who are talking about trying to get local Democrats and Republicans in the same room together so they can hash out some of these issues.

When asked why she wouldn’t move to a more liberal area like Los Angeles, Payne said, it’s “because I feel I’ve got to do this work.”

“If I’m not here to have these conversations then who will,” she added.

And the way to move forward, according to Leah Payne, is for everyone to “be adults.”

“We have to have conversations that are hard to have,” Payne said.

ABC News's Nick Watt contributed to this report.