Election 2020: SCOTUS rejects attempt to block extended ballot deadline

This was the Pa. GOP's second attempt to block the extension for mail-in ballots

With six days until Election Day, and President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden racing toward Nov. 3, more than 71 million Americans have voted early so far -- a record.

The president continues an aggressive, defensive campaign as polls show him trailing nationally and in several battleground states key to his reelection hopes. He has back-to-back rallies in Arizona Wednesday.

Sen. Kamala Harris, the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, is also in Arizona making stops in Tucson and Phoenix. Biden will deliver remarks on his plan to beat COVID-19 from Wilmington, Delaware.

Vice President Mike Pence, meanwhile, has campaign rallies in the battleground states of Wisconsin and Michigan.

How the electorate will be different in 2020

The FiveThirtyEight Politics Podcast crew takes a closer look at who exactly is voting in this election and how voters' preferences have changed or stayed the same since 2016.

Kavanaugh revises Wisconsin opinion at request of Vermont

Supreme Court Justice Brent Kavanaugh made a rare, if minor, correction to a Supreme Court opinion in response to a highly public objection.

Earlier Wednesday, the state of Vermont formally requested that Kavanaugh correct his concurring opinion from Monday's controversial Supreme Court decision blocking a mail ballot deadline extension in Wisconsin.

While arguing that the court should not "second-guess" state legislative judgements during the pandemic, he attempted to draw a comparison between Wisconsin and other states which he claimed had decided against changes to mail ballot rules.

"States such as Vermont," Kavanaugh wrote, "have decided not to make changes to their ordinary election rules, including to the election-day deadline for receipt of absentee ballots. The variation in state responses reflects our constitutional system of federalism. Different state legislatures may make different choices."

While it's true that Vermont has not extended its Election Day postmark requirement for mail ballots, the state has in fact made substantive changes to the rules aimed at allowing greater participation during a public health crisis, including mailing every voter a ballot and prepaid return envelope.

Kavanaugh made a revision to page 5 of his opinion, the court clerk said later Wednesday. It has not changed the substantive bottom line of his vote.

With the revision, it now reads, "Other States such as Vermont, by contrast, have decided not to make changes to their ordinary election-deadline rules, including to the election-day deadline for receipt of absentee ballots. See, e.g., Vt. Stat. Ann., Tit. 17, §2543 (2020). The variation in state responses reflects our constitutional system of federalism."

-ABC News Senior Washington Reporter Devin Dwyer and Benjamin Siegel

Little sign of the presidential race tightening

After a surprisingly sluggish weekend for polling, the floodgates have opened, with a mix of high-quality polls, low-quality polls and pretty much everything in between. And although there are some outliers in both directions, they tell a fairly consistent story, overall: A steady race nationally, perhaps with some gains for Joe Biden in the Midwest.

Why Biden sometimes wears two masks

As Biden was leaving The Queen Theater in Wilmington, Delaware, on Wednesday night, he as asked why he sometimes wears two masks.

"Because, the one mask is the N-95 and I don't like it around my ears and I hold it on with this mask," Biden said referencing how he sometimes sports a blue paper mask over his N-95 mask.

-ABC News' Molly Nagle

COVID-19 disconnect looms over Trump in Midwest

Trump hit Michigan Tuesday with what's already become a familiar complaint about TV news.

"With them, you can't watch anything else," he said. "You turn on – COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID. COVID, COVID, COVID. COVID!"

There's a reason, of course, for the coverage. And new ABC News/Washington Post polling out Wednesday morning shows how extensively COVID-19 perceptions are impacting the race -- particularly in a few states that are likely to matter the most.

Biden leads Trump 57-40 among likely voters in Wisconsin, and 52-46 in Michigan. That's a sizable lead with less than a week to go in both critical states, with the Wisconsin number striking on its own because it shows a larger margin than other recent polls.

One thing driving the story in Wisconsin in particular: the pandemic. The state is in the midst of a full-on coronavirus crisis, setting new records for hospitalizations and sitting near the top of the list for per capita cases.

The president is 20 points underwater on his handling of the pandemic in Wisconsin, and Biden is trusted more than Trump on the subject by a similar 20 points. The poll shows Trump's support among suburban voters cratering in Wisconsin, particularly in comparison to Michigan.

The polling also shows Trump trailing among seniors in Wisconsin by 24 points and in Michigan by 12 points. He carried voters 65 and older narrowly in both states four years ago, according to exit polls.

Biden can win the presidency by rebuilding the blue wall -- Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania -- without carrying a single other Trump state. It might wind up being rebuilt with help from the crisis that has defined Trump's presidency.

-ABC News’ Political Director Rick Klein