
Trump-Biden transition latest: Trump signs coronavirus relief bill amid pressure

The president had gone nearly a week without signing the bill.

Last Updated: December 26, 2020, 11:09 AM EST

President Donald Trump is slated to hand over control of the White House to President-elect Joe Biden in 24 days.

Dec 26, 2020, 11:09 AM EST

Trump on Twitter tear as COVID-19 relief bill remains unsigned

On Saturday, the day expanded unemployment benefits are set to lapse after Trump refused to sign the bipartisan COVID-19 relief and spending bill overwhelmingly approved by Congress this week, the president tweeted again about one of his main sticking points -- the amount of money the bill allocates to send directly to Americans.

"I simply want to get our great people $2000, rather than the measly $600 that is now in the bill. Also, stop the billions of dollars in 'pork,'" he tweeted.

It is unclear if the president, who received the bill at Mar-a-Lago Christmas eve, has any intention of signing the bill or vetoing it. If he vetoes it, Congress could override his veto. But he could also do nothing and wait for the current Congress to end, forcing the new Congress to start from scratch on another bill.

If Trump doesn't sign the bill, it could also lead to a government shutdown.

Trump also tweeted Saturday morning his grievances about the results of the presidential election and what he views as a lack of support in overturning the results.

"Mitch & the Republicans do NOTHING, just want to let it pass. NO FIGHT!" he wrote in one tweet.

In another, he dug into the DOJ and the FBI, tweeting: "The 'Justice' Department and the FBI have done nothing about the 2020 Presidential Election Voter Fraud," again citing baseless claims about the presidential election.

He repeated those baseless claims in yet another tweet directed at the Supreme Court.

"The U.S. Supreme Court has been totally incompetent and weak on the massive Election Fraud that took place in the 2020 Presidential Election," he wrote, continuing to make debunked claims.

-ABC News' Mariam Khan, Allison Pecorin and Ben Gittleson

Dec 25, 2020, 3:27 PM EST

Trump tweets about COVID-19 relief bill

As Americans wait to learn whether Trump will sign a must-pass spending bill and COVID-19 relief package, Trump tweeted on Friday afternoon a reiteration of his demand that Americans receive $2,000 payments as opposed to the $600 in the current legislation.

"Why would politicians not want to give people $2000, rather than only $600?" he wrote.

The current bill took months to negotiate and was finalized just days before millions lose benefits if pandemic-era provisions expire. Then Trump demanded more money be sent directly to Americans.

House Democrats seized on Trump's demand on Thursday, proposing $2,000 payments in a measure that was blocked by members of Trump’s own party.

Trump has spent the past two days at his golf club, while Vice President Mike Pence is reportedly spending the holidays at Vail.

Shortly after his tweet on the bill, the president tweeted that he’s going to do a video call with troops around the world, but that the “Fake News” is “not invited!”

-ABC News' Ben Gittleson, Mariam Khan and Allison Pecorin

Dec 25, 2020, 2:27 PM EST

Family tied to company with history of hiring unlawful 'aliens' among Kelly Loeffler donors

Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler, who has maintained a strong anti-illegal immigration stance during her short tenure in office, has raised tens of thousands of dollars for her Georgia Senate runoff campaign from donors linked to a family owned company that was forced to pay out more than $95 million in fines for unlawful immigration practices and alleged hiring discrimination, disclosure records show.

Between late November and early December, Loeffler's campaign received more than $28,000 in contributions from at least 11 members of the Asplundh family, according to new campaign finance reports filed to the Federal Election Commission. The Asplundh family owns and operates the large, privately held Asplundh Tree Expert Company, which has done work for the U.S. Department of Energy.

Senator Kelly Loeffler speaks during a campaign event at the Olde Blind Dog Irish Pub in Milton, Georgia, Dec. 21, 2020.
Alexander Drago/Reuters

In 2017, the Pennsylvania-based tree-trimming and vegetation management company had to pay the largest civil settlement ever levied by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement after a yearslong investigation resulted in the company pleading guilty to "unlawfully employing aliens." Additionally, in January 2019, Asplundh agreed to pay $55,000 in back wages to settle hiring discrimination allegations stemming from one of its facilities in Georgia.

ABC News sent a detailed email to two staffers on Loeffler's campaign that outlined the company's past settlement over its unlawful immigration practices and back pay for alleged discrimination. In addition to asking for a general comment on the donations and the company's past, ABC News also asked if the campaign knew that members of the Asplundh family had donated and intentionally excluded their occupations and employers; if the campaign -- given the senator's stance on immigration and the company's infraction in Georgia -- wanted their support and their donations; and if the campaign did not want their support or donation, if they would refund them.

In response, Loeffler's deputy campaign manager, Stephen Lawson, replied, "[W]e're marking your email as spam. Please don't ever email us again."In a follow-up email a minute later, Loeffler's press secretary, Caitlin O'Dea, wrote, "And Merry Christmas!"

The Asplundh family did not respond to requests for comment, either.

-ABC News' Quinn Scanlan and Soo Rin Kim

Dec 25, 2020, 11:01 AM EST

Bidens post video with holiday message

In a pre-recorded message posted on social media, Biden and incoming first lady Jill Biden reflect on the difficult year that many Americans have endured and project a message of hope and gratitude as the nation continues to grapple with the coronavirus pandemic.

"Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays. Jill and I wish you and your family peace, joy, health and happiness this season. But we know for so many of you in our nation this has been a very difficult year. And we're reminded in this season of hope of our common humanity and what we're called to do for one another. Many of our fellow Americans are struggling to find work, literally put food on the table, pay their rent or their mortgage. We're reminded we're on this earth to care for one another, to give what we can and to be a source of help and hope to friend and stranger alike," Biden says in the video while sitting next to his wife.

"Many families are facing their first Christmas having lost a loved one," Jill Biden says. "And Joe and I know that sorrow. And we know how in times of grief, a kind word can mean so much. This is also a season of gratitude and we're so thankful for the front-line and essential workers who have put themselves at risk for all of us. And for the scientists and researchers who have worked to deliver vaccines that are an incredible scientific breakthrough. And we're thinking of our service members, who are far from home, and the loved ones who miss them. Our family knows your sacrifice, and our hearts are with you."

The president-elect also notes that his family has significantly slimmed down their Christmas celebration this year and asks Americans to consider limiting their travel and the size of family gatherings this year.

"For the Bidens, we usually have 20 to 25 people over Christmas Eve for dinner, but not this year. We're gonna miss our family, but it's what we need to do to keep our family safe. We hope you'll consider limiting travel and the size of family gatherings as well this year," Biden says.

"Even as our celebrations are dimmed, we know that this won't be forever, and brighter days are coming soon," Jill Biden adds.