Impeachment article has 200 cosponsors: US rep.

The draft, citing "incitement of insurrection," could be introduced Monday.

Last Updated: January 11, 2021, 10:29 AM EST

President Donald Trump is slated to hand over control of the White House to President-elect Joe Biden in 11 days.

Jan 07, 2021, 9:07 PM EST

McConnell receives resignation of Senate sergeant-at-arms

Following the resignation of the House sergeant-at-arms and the Capitol police chief, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced Thursday night that he’s received the resignation of the Senate sergeant-at-arms.

This comes following Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s statement earlier Thursday that he would fire the Senate sergeant-at-arms when Democrats claim the majority in the chamber if he did not resign.

“Today I requested and received the resignation of Michael Stenger, the Senate Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper, effective immediately," McConnell said in a statement Thursday.

“Deputy Sergeant at Arms Jennifer Hemingway will now serve the Senate as Acting Sergeant at Arms, pursuant to statute," McConnell continued. "I thank Jennifer in advance for her service as we begin to examine the serious failures that transpired yesterday and continue and strengthen our preparations for a safe and successful inauguration on January 20th.”

-ABC News' Allison Pecorin

Jan 07, 2021, 8:24 PM EST

Trump effectively concedes, says focus on ensuring smooth transition of power

For the first time since losing the election to President-elect Joe Biden, President Donald Trump acknowledged he lost.

A new administration will be inaugurated on Jan. 20, he said. 

“My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power,” Trump said in a video Thursday night.

Trump also spoke directly to his supporters, saying serving as president has been the honor of his lifetime.

“To all of my wonderful supporters, I know you’re disappointed, but I also want you to know that our incredible journey has only just begun.”

The president did not congratulate Biden or recognize him as the president-elect in the video.

His speech comes a day after a pro-Trump mob breached the Capitol, in an incident that left at least four people dead and forced Congress to evacuate and seek shelter in the middle of certifying the electoral votes.

Thursday night, the president spoke of the need for peace and calm, a day after speaking to those same pro-Trump protesters, saying he would never concede.

“This moment calls for healing and reconciliation,” Trump said Thursday night.

Jan 07, 2021, 6:39 PM EST

US Capitol police chief resigns

A spokeswoman for the United States Capitol Police has confirmed to ABC News that Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund is resigning, effective Jan. 16.

The resignation comes after rioters seized the Capitol building on Wednesday and following House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calling for him to step down due to the botched response.

Sund does not mention the Capitol riot in his three-sentence resignation letter. "It has been a pleasure and true honor to serve the United States Capitol Police Board and the Congressional community alongside and the women and men of the United States Capitol Police," he wrote.

The Capitol Police Union had released a statement saying they were "frustrated and demoralized by the lack of leadership" and called for the chief and his deputy to resign. 

"We have several protesters dead, multiple officers injured and the symbol of our Democracy, the U.S. Capitol, desecrated. This never should have happened," Capitol Police Union Chairman Gus Papathanasiou said in a statement. 

"This lack of planning led to the greatest breach of the U.S. Capitol since the War of 1812," he added. This is a failure of leadership at the very top."

-ABC News' Mariam Khan, Benjamin Siegel and Luke Barr

Jan 07, 2021, 5:47 PM EST

White House condemns violence but takes no responsibility

More than 24 hours after a violent siege on the Capitol by supporters of the president, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany condemned the violence of the rioters who desecrated the hallowed halls of Congress "on behalf of the entire White House."

For the first time, she also recognized that there would be a new administration, although she did not mention Biden’s name, saying, “Those who are working in this building are working to ensure an orderly transition of power."

“Let me be clear. The violence we saw yesterday at our nation's Capitol was appalling, reprehensible and antithetical to the American way. We condemn it, the president and this administration, in the strongest possible terms. It is unacceptable,” McEnany said during remarks in the White House briefing room.

McEnany referred to those who stormed the Capitol as "violent rioters" and sought to draw a distinction between them and "the many thousands who came to peacefully have their voices heard in our nation's capital."

While she condemned the rioters, she did not acknowledge the role Trump had in inciting the mob and praising the insurrectionists. She also did not acknowledge her own role in repeatedly spreading disinformation about the election results.

McEnany read from prepared remarks, and the entirety of the event lasted just under two minutes.

She took no questions and exited as reporters shouted questions.

-ABC News' Ben Gittleson, Jordyn Phelps and Elizabeth Thomas

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