1st presidential debate between Trump and Biden spirals into chaotic clash

Highlights from the first presidential debate held in Cleveland.

President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee for president Joe Biden faced off from a social distance in the first presidential debate of 2020 in Cleveland, just five weeks out from Election Day.

The first presidential debate at Case Western Reserve University and the Cleveland Clinic came on the heels of bombshell reporting from The New York Times on two decades of Trump's tax records, ahead of a contentious Supreme Court confirmation process in the Senate and as the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll shows Biden maintains a 10-point edge among both registered and likely voters.

The coronavirus pandemic's impact on the race was also on display as the two candidates didn't partake in a handshake, customary at the top of such events. The size of the audience was also limited and everyone attending the debate had to undergo COVID-19 testing and follow other public health protocols.

The debate’s moderator, Chris Wallace of "Fox News Sunday," selected six topics for Tuesday with each segment expected to get approximately 15 minutes: Trump's and Biden's records, the Supreme Court, COVID-19, the economy, race and violence in U.S. cities, and the integrity of the election -- the final topic coming as Trump over the weekend wouldn’t commit to a peaceful transfer of power.

Trump and Biden show own vulnerabilities in a messy argument that was barely a debate: ANALYSIS

Former Vice President Joe Biden wanted a debate about President Donald Trump and his record.

Trump wanted a debate about Biden – and Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Biden’s son, Hunter, along the way.

Neither quite got their wish Tuesday night at the first presidential debate of the general election cycle. Ninety-plus minutes of television brought a series of chaotic and deeply personal attacks, in what was more of a rolling argument between two men than it was a debate.

Read more of ABC News Political Director Rick Klein's analysis

5 key takeaways from Joe Biden and Donald Trump's 1st presidential debate

President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden struggled to break through their own noise on Tuesday night in the first presidential debate, which was filled with interruptions, arguing and incoherent pitches to American voters.

Pre-decided topics included the two candidates' records, the coronavirus response, the Supreme Court, the economy and voting issues -- though viewers only got a sense of each candidate's platform in brief moments, when they let each other answer.

"Fox News Sunday" anchor Chris Wallace, who had the trying task of keeping the squabbling under control, moderated the 90-minute debate from Case Western Reserve University in the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio.

With just over 30 days until Nov. 3, it's the first of four presidential debates of the cycle. But because mail-in voting has become a popular, safe choice during the pandemic, on Tuesday night, voting was underway as Trump and Biden sparred on stage.

According to Michael McDonald, a professor of political science at the University of Florida, over 1.1 million Americans have already received an absentee ballot in the mail.

Here are five key takeaways from the first of three presidential debates

--ABC News' Meg Cunningham and Cheyenne Haslett

FACT CHECK: Trump claims states are mailing out 'unsolicited ballots'

TRUMP'S CLAIM: "As far as the ballots are concerned, it's a disaster. A solicited ballot, OK? Solicited is OK. You're soliciting. You're asking, they send it back, you send it back. I did that. If you have an unsolicited -- they are sending millions of ballots all over the country. There is fraud."

FACT CHECK: Despite Trump claiming that states across the country are mailing out "unsolicited ballots," that is only true in nine states plus Washington, D.C.

In two states, Montana and Nebraska, most or some counties are mailing ballots to voters.

In fact, in 41 of 50 states, voters are required to request an absentee ballot before being mailed one by election officials. Of those 41, only nine are proactively mailing registered voters applications to request an absentee ballot.

Of those states mailing ballots to voters, five -- Colorado, Oregon, Utah, Hawaii and Washington -- were already holding all-mail elections before the coronavirus pandemic. Officials in those states have seen no evidence of widespread fraud, and those voters are likely used to receiving ballots without requesting one.

FACT CHECK: Trump falsely implies Biden supports defunding the police

TRUMP'S CLAIM: “He's talking about defunding the police.”

FACT CHECK: From the debate stage during an exchange on law enforcement, Trump implied that Biden wants to defund the police. Biden has said repeatedly that he doesn’t want to “defund the police.”

"No, I don't support defunding the police," he said in a June interview with CBS News, adding he supports conditions on federal aid based on meeting "basic standards of decency."

Biden has in the past claimed that Trump has proposed cutting police funding by “half a billion dollars.”

The former vice president is referencing a proposed $465.8 million cut to community police efforts through the Office of Justice Programs, which could lose funding under Trump’s proposed 2021 budget, like the COPS Hiring program, which offers grants to local law enforcement agencies to hire officers.

Biden has been at odds with many activists for his role as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee co-writing and pushing the 1994 Crime Bill. Biden has defended his role in the bill’s passage and has supported putting more police officers on the streets in communities. After the killing of George Floyd, Biden has called for reforms like buying body cameras, de-escalation training for officers and adopting a national use-of-force standard.

-ABC News' Beatrice Peterson

FACT CHECK: Over 100M Americans in US with pre-existing conditions, studies show

BIDEN'S CLAIM: Biden says 100 million Americans have pre-existing conditions, Trump says he's wrong

FACT CHECK: 100 million or more people have pre-existing conditions in the U.S.

Biden said during the debate that "100 million people" have pre-existing conditions, while Trump said that number was "totally wrong."

"There aren't 100 million people with pre-existing conditions," Trump said. The two candidates were debating about the path forward for health care in America.

Biden, who was arguing that Trump and Republicans would kick people with pre-existing conditions off of health care if they rescinded the Affordable Care Act, is correct that somewhere around 100 million Americans have pre-existing conditions, according to studies.

One study by the Health and Human Services Department in 2017 found that a large percentage of non-elderly Americans have pre-existing health conditions, ranging from 61 million to 133 million.

The study found that "at least 23 percent of Americans (61 million people) using a narrow definition based on eligibility criteria for pre-ACA state high-risk pools, or as many as 51 percent (133 million people) using a broader definition closer to the underwriting criteria used by insurers prior to the ACA" could have been denied health care or offered it at a high price before the Affordable Care Act passed because of pre-existing conditions. The study was published under the Obama administration.

There is a difference, however, between the absolute number of people with pre-existing conditions and the number of people who would be denied coverage under the Affordable Care Act. Experts point out that 54 million non-elderly Americans would've been denied insurance before the ACA, but confirmed that 100 million or more Americans have pre-existing conditions.

"54 million non-elderly adults have a pre-existing condition that would have led to a denial of insurance before the ACA. 100 million or more have a pre-existing condition that would have led to higher premiums or limited benefits," tweeted Larry Levitt, executive vice president for health policy at the Kaiser Family Foundation, referring to a study by the organization.