The Note: As storm approaches, a self-imposed test for Trump

Trump has set up his own fresh tests for his administration.

September 12, 2018, 6:06 AM

The TAKE with Rick Klein

Politics would typically take a back seat for a few days while the nation focuses on a giant storm, right after commemorating 9/11.

Except, of course, Donald Trump is president. He’s touting the “unsung success” of his administration’s disaster response in Puerto Rico – where the death toll from last year’s hurricane was just revised to nearly 3,000 – while preparing the nation for another monster weather event.

The political impact of this storm could be felt well beyond some canceled rallies and a truncated legislative week on Capitol Hill.

Trump has set up his own fresh tests for his administration, in the middle of an intense campaign period. As other storms have shown, the president isn’t quieted easily.

The RUNDOWN with MaryAlice Parks

Election primaries for this cycle come to a close this week, and Hillary Clinton is upping her support for some general election campaigns, specifically for some of the record number of first–time, female candidates on the Democratic side this year.

Xochitl Torres Small, a Democratic candidate for Congress, speaks to voters at a an event in Las Cruces, N.M., May 24, 2018.
Russell Contreras/AP
Gina Ortiz Jones is running in the Democratic primary for Texas' 23rd Congressional District.
Gina Ortiz Jones for Congress

Thursday, the former presidential nominee is headlining a fundraiser for a wide of range of Democratic congressional candidates, all of whom are hoping to flip seats from red to blue.

The list of women benefiting from the fundraiser includes: Lauren Underwood, IL- 14; Gina Ortiz Jones, TX -23; Liuba Grechen Shirley, NY-2; Haley Stevens, MI-11; and Xochitl Torres Small, NM-2.

What’s fascinating about this list is that Clinton won in only three of those districts and some are pretty red. New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District, for example, went to Trump by 10 points and the incumbent Republican won by nearly 30. (Clinton did win in about 24 House districts nationwide that are currently held by Republicans.)

Obviously, holding a private fundraiser is different from campaigning publicly in town. Still, it’s hard to imagine that Clinton would back candidates who don’t have a shot. The event is an example of top Democrats pushing into red territory.

The TIP with Dominick Proto

The 2018 midterm election in New Hampshire is sure to be a groundbreaking one regardless of who prevails.

In this Sept. 5, 2018 file photo, Chris Pappas participates in a debate of Democratic hopefuls in New Hampshire's 1st Congressional District at St. Anselm College in Manchester, N.H.

The state’s 1st Congressional District saw Democratic candidate Chris Pappas and Republican candidate Eddie Edwards claim victory after Tuesday's primaries. Pappas would break barriers as the state's first openly gay holder of a major office, while Edwards would be New Hampshire’s first black congressman.

Pappas said his win will allow the nation to see there is "an ability to come together regardless of who we are to solve problems." Equality PAC endorsed Pappas during the campaign, stating his "race is vital to our pro-equality majority in the House and is one of our best chances of electing a new LGBT member."

He also received praise from the Victory Fund, which promotes LGBT candidates running for office.

Edwards, a former police chief, received support on the campaign trail from Rudy Giuliani – not to mention the support of two state senators who used to work for his main opponent in the primary.


  • President Trump participates in a reception for all Medal of Honor recipients at the White House at 5:30 p.m.
  • The president hosts a roundtable with supporters at 6:15 p.m.
  • The president addresses the Republican National Committee at 7:15 p.m.
  • The Coast Guard holds a news conference on its Hurricane Florence response plan at 10:30 a.m.
  • Attorney General Jeff Sessions addresses the National Narcotic Officers’ Associations’ Coalition at 1:30 p.m.

    “He never got it. He will never get it.” – San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz to ABC News Tuesday, after President Trump called Hurricane Maria response “an incredible, unsung success.”


    ABC News' "Start Here" Podcast. Wednesday morning's episode features ABC News White House correspondent Tara Palmeri discussing her exclusive interview with Donald Trump, Jr. and whether President Trump’s ‘circle of trust’ is getting smaller following the release of Bob Woodward’s new book and the anonymous op-ed in the New York Times.

    ABC News’ “Powerhouse Politics” Podcast. On Wednesday afternoon’s episode, ABC News’ Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl and Political Director Rick Klein interview Ken Starr, former special prosecutor and author of “Contempt: A Memoir of the Clinton Investigation.”


    Trump says Puerto Rico response was 'an incredible unsung success' ahead of Hurricane Florence. President Trump called his administration's response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico — where an independent study suggests nearly 3,000 people may have died — an "incredible unsung success." (Meridith McGraw, Alexander Mallin and Meghan Keneally)

    Lawmakers express faith in federal preparedness ahead of Florence. As Hurricane Florence churns toward the Carolina coast, lawmakers expressed faith in first responders preparing for landfall later this week, confident that the federal government has learned its lessons from problem-plagued recoveries from Katrina and Maria. (John Parkinson)

    FIRST ON ABC for ‘18 for ‘18: Democrat touts coal, Army background in first ad for W.Va. general election. Democrat Richard Ojeda, the tattooed Army veteran and West Virginia state senator running for U.S. Congress, is out with his first ad of the general election -- one that highlights his military service, family ties to coal and commitment to Social Security. (Meridith McGraw)

    Democratic governor faces progressive challenge in Rhode Island primary. As some pundits predict a potential blue wave among the nation's statehouses this November, the one atop Smith Hill in Providence, Rhode Island, could be lighting up red. (Luke Barr)

    Bernie Sanders' son struggles as Pappas wins New Hampshire primary. Chris Pappas was projected to win Tuesday night's Democratic primary for the 1st Congressional District, according to The Associated Press, besting the son of a marquee name in the party, in order to go up against GOP winner Eddie Edwards in November. (Dominick Proto)

    Opioid crisis has New Hampshire primary voters in somber mood. While New Hampshire voters are traditionally animated and vocal during campaign season, one issue this year leaves many of them virtually speechless: the opioid crisis. (Dominick Proto)

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    Trump and GOP ally push disputed theory about leaks, fired FBI agent. Rep. Mark Meadows sent a letter to the DOJ and posted it publicly online, saying newly-released text messages between former FBI agent Peter Strzok and then-FBI attorney Lisa Page raise “grave concerns regarding an apparent systemic culture of media leaking” within the FBI and DOJ. (Mike Levine)

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    The New York Times looks into a study that claims that less than 14 percent of top staff members in the House are people of color.

    The Note is a daily ABC News feature that highlights the key political moments of the day ahead. Please check back tomorrow for the latest.

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