The Note: Trump offers help — and challenges — to GOP candidates

The midterm stage is set, but there’s a whole lot that’s not easy to predict.

July 30, 2018, 6:00 AM

The TAKE with Rick Klein

The midterm stage is set, but there’s a whole lot that’s not easy to direct – or predict.

With 99 days before Election Day, despite all the action and reaction of the Trump era, volatility remains across the electoral landscape.

The White House late last week offered up President Donald Trump to campaign for any GOP House member who wants him there. But it’s still not possible to devise a viable travel agenda.

Then there’s the policy agenda: Trump himself offered a fresh curveball with a new government shutdown threat. Trade war concerns continue to divide the GOP and jeopardize the Republicans’ biggest selling point.

Most Republicans would take Trump’s heavy involvement in campaigns over the alternative, but they sure wish they had a way to control his actions along the way.

Donald Trump speaks during a rally aboard the Battleship USS Iowa in Los Angeles, while wearing a 'Make America Great Again' hat, Sept. 15, 2015.
UIG via Getty Images, FILE

The RUNDOWN with MaryAlice Parks

Nine days until the Washington State primary, a Democratic voter at a candidate forum said his only concern was the party nominating someone who could beat the Republican in the race.

Whichever one of the three Democrats had the best odds would get his vote.

Washington's 8th Congressional District, which straddles the Cascade Mountains, is competitive. It's a purple district Hillary Clinton won but Democrats have never held in Congress.

The concern of the voter in the back of one small library spoke volumes to the anxieties of Democrats nationwide.

In that race, two female doctors argue something new and fresh is the way forward, whereas an attorney who has worked all over the district and in Washington, says a sure and familiar face is the best bet.

In Michigan's gubernatorial race, voters face a similar question. Abdul El-Sayed, a young health care director, is hoping an exciting candidacy that energizes otherwise frustrated progressive voters could bring out the numbers to swing the state that Bernie Sanders won on the Democratic side before President Trump did in the general election two years ago. Others wonder if a more traditional candidate like former state Senator Gretchen Whitmer is a safer beat for defeating the Republican.

Everyone in the party seems to have a different opinion about how to win, only guesses that can't be tested until November.

PHOTO: Charles Koch at the Freedom Partners Summit on Monday, August 3, 2015 in Dana Point, CA.
Charles Koch at the Freedom Partners Summit, Aug. 3, 2015, in Dana Point, Calif.
Patrick T. Fallon/The Washington Post/Getty Images

The TIP with John Verhovek

Charles Koch, the 82-year-old head of the influential Koch political network, has a message for Republicans: we will hold you accountable if you stray from the principles and policies the group pushes.

At a rare on-the-record session with reporters at the network's biannual confab of donors in Colorado Springs, Koch said that he regrets supporting some Republican candidates who reneged on their support for free trade and immigration reform, and they are "going to more directly deal with that and hold people responsible," going forward.

Koch was also asked if he would be ok with Democrats taking back the U.S. House in 2018, to which he answered: "I don’t care what initials are in front or back of somebody’s name."

Skeptics will say there's not a real chance the group will oppose Republicans, but the group points to its digital ads it ran in June praising North Dakota Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp after her vote in favor of Dodd-Frank reform as an example of its willingness to go on the record to speak positively about the other side.

Koch also blasted President Trump's trade policies and talk of a trade war as "ridiculous," and the group released a video Sunday decrying "protectionism" in America, a major theme of the donor meeting, which comes exactly 100 days out from the 2018 midterm election.

Senator Heidi Heitkamp gives a press conference at the U.S. Capitol, June 27, 2018, in Washington, D.C.
Michael Brochstein/LightRocket via Getty Images


  • The President participates in an expanded bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of the Italian Republic at 12:45 p.m.
  • The President hosts a Joint Press Conference with the Prime Minister of the Italian Republic at 2:00 p.m.
  • The President participates in the swearing-in ceremony for the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs at 4:30 p.m.

    'What I’m okay with are policies that will move us toward a society of mutual benefit, equal rights, where everybody has the ability to fulfill their potential.' – Charles Koch, head of the Koch political networks, in response to being asked about Democrats having the potential the take back the House after the 2018 midterm election.


    ABC News Podcast "Start Here." The episode looks into what is in store just 100 days until the midterms, the latest on Les Moonves, TSA quiet skies, and current wildfires.

    The Note is a daily ABC News feature that highlights the key political moments of the day ahead. Please check back tomorrow for the latest.

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