Trump Says He Would Ban Syrian Refugees From Entering US
He said it was tough to distinguish Christians from Muslims.
— -- Presidential front-runner Donald Trump told ABC's Barbara Walters today that he would ban all Syrian refugees, both Christian and Muslim, from entering the US and that the screening process for Syrian refugees seeking entry into the country needs to be "superior" to what it is now.
Trump, who sat down with Walters in an interview for ABC News' "20/20," said it was tough to distinguish one group from the other.
"The problem is, we don't [know] if they're Christian or not," Trump said. "I would certainly say that (the screening test) would be superior. ... We have no idea who the people are. They have no papers. They have no paperwork. You can get forged documents very easily in Syria."
On Monday, before his interview with Walters, Trump said during a Knoxville, Tennessee, rally that he would deport any Syrian refugees who settled in the US. Instead, he said he'd advocate for a "safe zone" inside Syria.
"We have no idea who they're letting into our country and our country has enough problems," Trump said today. "We have enough problems."