Trump's physical results show he's gained weight but 'in very good health overall': White House
His doctor says the president now weighs 243 pounds compared to 239 before.
The White House on Thursday released results of President Donald Trump's physical that he underwent last Friday and in one notable measure, it showed he had gained some weight since his checkup last year, weighing in at 243 pounds versus 239 pounds previously.
Someone with a weight of 240 pounds and at Trump's 6-foot-3 height -- a BMI or Body Mass Index of 30.4 -- is considered obese and last year Trump had been advised to change his diet and get more exercise in order to lose a few pounds.

The results, summed up by White House physician Sean Conley, who conducted the physical along with 11 different board-certified specialists, concludes "it is my determination that the President remains in very good health overall."
He said Trump, who is 72, had given him permission to release the information, including that his blood pressure is 118/80 with a heart rate of 70 beats per minute and that the only change in his medication is "an increased dose of rosuvastatin to 40 milligrams daily" -- the maximum dose and up from a 10mg dose previously. The commonly-prescribed drug, sometimes known as Crestor, is used to lower a patient's cholesterol.
The president's total cholesterol was measured at 196, with "an HDL of 58 and an LDL of 122" -- all lower than last year.
Trump's physical took place over four hours at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Conley said the president received pneumonia and shingles immunizations and that his liver, kidney and thyroid function were all normal.
"There were no findings of significance or changes to report on his physical exam, including the eyes, ears, nose, mouth teeth/gums, heart, lungs, skin, gastrointestinal and neurologic systems," his report said.
ABC News' Eric Strauss contributed to this report.