Apple's iOS 9.3: Key New Features

Apple is testing new features that could soon be coming to your iOS devices.

ByABC News
January 12, 2016, 11:43 AM

— -- Apple's iOS 9.3 was released to beta testers this week and comes packed with updates -- including one that may help users get a better night's sleep.

While there isn't an official released date yet, here's a sneak peek at some of the most noteworthy features Apple has planned for iOS 9.3.

Night Shift

Perhaps the coolest new feature in iOS 9.3 is night shift. Using a device's clock and geolocation, night shift will gradually shift the colors in a user's display to the warmer end of the spectrum, Apple said, making it easier on a person's eyes. In the morning, it will return the display to its usual settings.

"Many studies have shown that exposure to bright blue light in the evening can affect your circadian rhythms and make it harder to fall asleep," Apple's website said, underscoring a need for the feature.

Apple's iOS 9.3.


Health has been a big focus of iOS 9 -- and now Apple is making it easier to find third-party apps to help with a user's goals. The Health app will also display moving, exercise and standing data from the Apple Watch, putting all of a user's health data in a central place.


The Notes app has long replaced the old pen and paper, but Apple is now making it even more secure by giving users the option to add a password or TouchID access. The app will also allow people to sort their notes by date created, date modified or alphabetically, providing another layer of organization.


CarPlay, Apple's foray into the automotive world, is getting even smarter. A "nearby" feature in maps will make it simple to find everything from a gas station to restaurants, coffee shops and more. Also new are expanded Apple Music recommendations that will give users selections based on their music preferences.

Apple's iOS 9.3.


Apple is adding new education features that make it easier to share iPads in a classroom that may not have enough devices for every student. Students will be able to use their own login and pick up where they left off on any iPad. Younger students will also have simpler four digit logins, making the technology accessible for everyone. Administrators are also given the ability to check in on students with screen view or lock a certain app if a student is having trouble staying on task.