Tip: Find affordable wireless headphones

ByABC News
February 24, 2012, 9:54 AM

— -- Question: I want to listen to audio books online but want to be able to work around the house as well. I'm shopping for good wireless headphones for around $100 that work up to 150 feet away from my computer. Any suggestions?

Answer: The very best wireless headphones will run you up to $600. Yikes! Instead, you can try the Audio Unlimited SPK-9100 Wireless, at $45, or the RCA WHP 141, at $50. While these claim to have a range of more than 150 feet, the sound quality won't be the best at the greatest range. Sony has headphones that push up against your $100 limit, the MDR-RF925RK and the MDR-RF970RK. They'll have better sound quality at longer ranges. Sennheiser makes some of the best headphones out there — primarily for music. These start at $100 and go beyond $200. See if you can visit a store and try your options.

Q. I need to buy a sleek new laptop for business. I'm thinking about an Ultrabook, but the huge range of prices and specs confuse me. Can you help me out?

A. Ultrabooks were originally supposed to require an Intel Sandy Bridge processor, a thickness of 20mm or less and a starting cost of $1,000 or less. They were also supposed to have solid-state hard drives and fast boot times. However, very few Ultrabooks actually conform to those specifications. The ASUS Zenbook and the Toshiba Portege Z835 are two laptop series that do. For a PC, you should check there first. But frankly, if you really want the best light, powerful laptop for $1,000, I'd suggest the MacBook Air. That's what the Ultrabooks are trying to compete with.

Q. My wireless contract is expiring very soon, and I wonder whether I should upgrade to the iPhone 4S now or wait for the iPhone 5. Isn't it coming out in June?

A. Don't pin all your hopes on a June iPhone 5 announcement. It may come out then — it may not. Should you wait? It's a tough call. The 4S is a fine phone and will serve you well for two years. However, it isn't much more advanced than the iPhone 4. The iPhone 5 is expected to have a 4-inch or larger screen. The processor will likely be new and it might include 4G cellular. Of course, new hardware means potential new problems. Plus, your contract is up, so you need a phone now. I would say grab the iPhone 4S now.

Q. I need to buy a really great quality point-and-shoot camera that takes exceptional indoor pictures in low light, captures action and has the quality of an expensive SLR. My budget is super tight — $200. Any help you give will be greatly appreciated.

A. A $200 point-and-shoot camera won't have the image quality of a DSLR. A point-and-shoot will take respectable pictures outside in sunlight, but picture quality suffers in more extreme conditions, such as low light. In your situation, I suggest looking at the Canon Powershot SX230. The 12MP sensor might not seem like much, but the SX230 has a reputation for providing better image quality in low light. It also has 1080p video recording.

Q. I play music and sing as a hobby. Currently, I use a 7- by 9-inch three-ring binder to hold my music when I perform. Is there a tablet or e-reader that could hold my songs and display them?