75 percent of Americans say immigration is a good thing: Gallup poll

The only year most Americans didn't view immigration as a positive was in 2002.

June 21, 2018, 6:54 PM

Three-quarters of Americans say immigration is a good thing, according to a Gallup poll released today.

The number -- 75 percent -- is a "record-high" and includes majorities from all party groups, according to Gallup.

The findings are based on a poll conduced between June 1 and June 13.

Last year, 71 percent of those polled said they believe immigration is a good thing, while just 19 percent considered it a bad thing.

PHOTO: Migrant families from Mexico, fleeing from violence, wait to enter the United States to meet officers of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection to apply for asylum at Paso del Norte international border crossing bridge in Ciudad Juarez.
Migrant families from Mexico, fleeing from violence, wait to enter the United States to meet officers of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection to apply for asylum at Paso del Norte international border crossing bridge in Ciudad Juarez June 20, 2018.
Jose Luis Gonzalez/Reuters

Since Gallup began taking the poll in 2001, the majority of Americans have viewed immigration as a positive thing for the U.S. in all but one year -- in 2002, when they conducted the poll about nine months after the 9/11 terror attacks.

This year Gallup tested alternative wording on the question, given attempts by the Trump administration to cut back on legal immigration, it said. The poll asked half respondents how they felt about "legal immigration," while the other half was given a question that did not specify a particular type of immigration.

Gallup found that Americans are more likely to support legal immigration, with 84 percent of the people polled describing "legal" immigration as a good thing.

The Trump administration has enacted a "zero-tolerance" policy approach to border protection, which has resulted in thousands of children being separated from their parents upon crossing the border in recent months.

Activists rally to support immigrants and to mark World Refugee Day, June 20, 2018 in Midtown Manhattan in New York City.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday to end the practice, but Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen described the immigration crisis as a "national security issue" today.

"Obviously we are all focused in recent weeks on unaccompanied children and others who migrate across but unfortunately our loopholes encourage that behavior," she told a crowd at the 2018 Capitol Hill National Security Forum.

The House of Representatives is planning to vote on two pieces of immigration legislation, including the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) protections for immigrants who came into the country with their parents at a young age, according to Gallup.

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