Be Seen, Be Heard Frequently Asked Questions

ByABC News
July 24, 2006, 6:12 PM

— -- 1. How do I send video using a webcam/camcorder/digital camera?

a. Record a 15 second clip with your webcam. Save it to an easily accessible place on your computer.b. Go to and click on the ad for Seen and Heard. c. Fill out the empty fields: Did you capture this event? (Are you the person who recorded the particular event?) Describe your video entry – give us an idea (general topic or word for word) about your commentd. Under the heading "Upload a file", click on the "Browse" button. Locate the video file on your computer. Click "Open" and it will insert the file into the entry box. e. Make sure you fill out all of the remaining empty boxes under "Your Information."f. Check the box stating that you understand the terms and conditions.g. Click submit!

2. How do I send video using my cell phone?

Use any cell phone with video capabilities to record a clip no longer than 15 seconds. Save it to your phone. Send the video clip to In the text field, put your full name, city/state, and a brief description of your clip.

3. Will I get paid for my video submissions?


4. How many people watch ABC News Now?

While we can't report how many viewers are watching the channel at any given time, the broadband nature of ABC News Now means that our shows (and your submissions) are available to almost 100 million Internet users and over 30 million video-capable cell phone users.

5. What file formats are supported?

.wav, .mp3, .bmp, .mpg, .avi, .wma, .3gp, .tiff, .jpg, .mp4, .jpeg, .mpg4, .tif, .mov, .gif, .wmv, .mpeg, .3g2. The total of all file uploads should not exceed 20 MB.

6. How long should my video submission be?

Please try to keep your clips to 15 seconds and under. We want to be able to include your entire comment and not cut out anything you have to say.

7. Where can I see the show?