Crime Blotter: Rob Me Once, Shame on You...

ByABC News
October 23, 2002, 5:15 PM

— -- Rob Me Once, Shame On You

M I A M I It was déjè vu all over again at the Pan Am Horizon Federal Credit Union.

On the afternoon of Oct. 3, John Papacosta allegedly went to rob the Kendall, Fla., bank wearing the same sport coat and sunglasses he wore when he robbed the same bank a month earlier, police say.

A teller recognized Papacosta and pushed a silent alarm button, said Judy Orihuela, a spokeswoman for the FBI's Miami office.

"He was just waiting in line so he hadn't made it up [to the counter] yet," she said.

When police arrived and detained Papacosta, they found a toy plastic revolver and a demand note in his pocket, reading "This is a robbery. I am armed. Give me the cash now."

Papacosta was charged with two counts of robbery, stemming from the incident last week and the alleged robbery at the same bank on Sept. 5, when police say he escaped with an undisclosed amount of cash.

"It's not common for bank robbers to go to the same bank," said Orihuela. "But every once in a while you see it."

Bank Robbery the Easy Way

M E S A, Ariz. For bank robbers in a hurry, try the drive-through teller window.

That's what a robber did at the Wells Fargo bank in Mesa on Oct. 4, escaping with an undisclosed amount of cash.

The man pulled up to the teller window and put a note in the vacuum-tube system.

"The male subject sent a demand in to the teller; she received it and complied," said Mesa Police Detective Tim Gaffney.

After receiving the cash through the vacuum tube, the robber sped off in a red and white sport utility vehicle.

The teller complied despite being protected behind bulletproof glass. She didn't see a weapon or catch sight of the suspect's face, or even the specific make and model of his car.

"Her view was obstructed so she didn't see the vehicle," said Gaffney.

Other Goat Still Missing; Toothless Robber Nabbed

H U T C H I N S O N, Kan. For those readers concerned about Other Goat, the tiny barnyard animal's fate is still up in the air.