Bringing America Back: Fitness industry's reopening challenges and more to know

Get the day's top stories in economic recovery and medical preparedness.

May 20, 2020, 4:58 AM

Bringing America Back is an ABC News feature that highlights the day's top stories in economic recovery and medical preparedness amid the coronavirus pandemic. These stories delve into the key steps America is taking -- or needs to take. Stay on top of the latest developments regarding states' social distancing measures, advancements in the treatment of COVID-19 and more.

Fitness industry must 'fight' to regain trust as gyms reopen

As nearly every state loosens restrictions, gyms are facing slowed rollouts, lost revenue and legal challenges from customers. There are "serious challenges ahead" for the fitness market, according to Beth McGroarty of The Global Wellness Institute.

PHOTO: Ruben Munoz uses the seated rowing machine during his workout at Flex 24 in Odessa, Texas, May 18, 2020.
Ruben Munoz uses the seated rowing machine during his workout at Flex 24 in Odessa, Texas, May 18, 2020. As an extra precaution, the gym was requiring all gym-goers to disinfect machines before and after each use to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus.
Eli Hartman/AP

Data show no significant drop in Florida's COVID-19 case numbers

Florida has seen more than 11,000 new coronavirus cases since the beginning of May. The number of cases has risen at a relatively stable rate, as retail and select businesses, such as gyms, barbershops and nail salons, reopen across the state this week.

Doctors race to understand COVID-19's impact on the brain

Add the brain to the list of organs potentially impacted by the novel coronavirus. Doctors are reporting that some patients with severe cases of the disease caused by the virus are showing signs of confusion or delirium.

Passengers sue Celebrity Cruises over 'heightened risk' of COVID-19 exposure

Two Long Islanders are suing Celebrity Cruises for "negligently expos[ing]" them and thousands of other passengers to the coronavirus, while on a cruise that they boarded on February 29, in South America, and disembarked on March 30, in San Diego.

What hotel stays might look like amid COVID-19

Hotel groups, including IHG and HEI, are revealing new safety protocols for their properties, giving a glimpse of what hotel-goers might expect in the coming months.

Peter Luger and other restaurants offer takeout for first time

Restaurants across the country are continuing to adapt amid the lockdown. Among America's top eateries now offering takeout are Peter Luger in New York City and Boston's Fox and the Knife.

I took the contact tracer training, and here's what I learned

ABC News' Erin Schumaker gives a first-hand look at Johns Hopkins' new online course for contact tracers. She's one of 10,000 people who completed the program five days after it opened.

Drybar salon announces safety measures upon reopening

As blow-out salon Drybar begins reopening locations, it's announced new safety measures for its employees and customers, such as the use of face coverings, the implementation of temperature checks and the elimination of waiting rooms.

What to know about the coronavirus:

Tune into ABC at 1 p.m. ET and ABC News Live at 4 p.m. ET every weekday for special coverage of the novel coronavirus with the full ABC News team, including the latest news, context and analysis.

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