Cleveland Indians Fan Meets Long-Lost Half-Sister, a Chicago Cubs Fan, for 1st Time at World Series

Despite rooting for rival teams, the two discovered they have a lot in common.

November 3, 2016, 4:26 PM

— -- A Cleveland Indians fan recently met her long-lost half-sister, who happens to be a Chicago Cubs fan, for the first time at the World Series.

Laurie Green, a 54-year-old Indians fan, told ABC News today that she was adopted as a baby. She had no idea her that her half-sister -- Selena Brosnan, a 40-year-old Cubs fan -- existed until three years ago.

At the time, Green said she had been searching for her biological family simply, hoping to just get family medical history for personal reasons.

"A lot of stories of adoptive kids trying to find their biological families don't always turn out well, and I know that," she said.

But to Green's surprise, Brosnan and her father were "welcoming, positive and embracing" upon learning about her. Green added that she felt like "the luckiest person in the world."

The two half-sisters have kept in touch for the past three years through emails and online chat messaging.

Green said they tried to meet up in person several times, but as fate would have it, things only came together and worked out for them to finally meet at Game 6 of the World Series.

A Cleveland Cubs fan met her long-lost half-sister, who happens to be a Chicago Cubs Fan, on Nov. 1, 2016, during Game 6 of the World Series.

Despite rooting for rival teams, the two discovered they had a lot in common.

"I'm pretty sure we both missed a few good plays because we were so busy chatting," Green said with a laugh. "We both just couldn't stop talking. It turns out we both have the gift of gab."

Green added that she also found out she and Brosnan are both teachers and had former careers in technology.

"I definitely feel we have that special sister bond, and I've never had that before," Green said. "It's truly incredible. I'm 54 and I feel like I'm experiencing Christmas for the first time again. It's surreal."

And though the Indians ended up losing to the Cubs during Game 7, Green said she harbors no bitterness toward Brosnan.

"We've never really been like 'My team is better than yours' type of people," she said. "We're much more like, 'May the best team win,' and regardless of who does, we know we'll still have love each other."