Deer Crashes Into Iowa Furniture Store, Shows Himself Out the Door

The deer did not cause major damage despite charging over sofas

ByABC News
October 27, 2014, 2:28 PM
A deer crashed through the window of Simpson Furniture in Cedar Falls, Iowa., on Saturday, Oct. 25, 2014.
A deer crashed through the window of Simpson Furniture in Cedar Falls, Iowa., on Saturday, Oct. 25, 2014.
Simpson Furniture

— -- Furniture store owner Deb Emmert was letting her usual, paying, human customers into her Cedar Falls, Iowa, store on Saturday morning when a four-legged animal suddenly showed himself in.

“I had just opened the door and let two ladies and as a gentleman and his son were coming in the window exploded,” Emmert told ABC News. “There’s no other word for it. The glass just broke into a million pieces.”

The culprit of the shattered window was a deer who then proceeded to run through Emmert’s Simpson Furniture store.

“He started to go south in the store, and then turned, jumped over two sofas back-to-back and then went into an office where I think he thought he was going to get out,” Emmert said. “He rammed into another window but he didn’t fit and just kind of repelled off of it.”

Emmert believes the deer was trying to get to a creek that is outside the back of the store. She says deer are common in the 49,000-people strong town of Cedar Falls, but they are not common in her store.

“The only other time was in 2010 when a deer got into our warehouse,” Emmert said. “Maybe now we’re going to have put up deer signs or deer deterrents.”

Though the deer made a grand entrance by shattering the window, he did not stay long in the store.

Less than three minutes after he entered, the deer let himself out of the store by literally opening the back door.

“He walked through the mattress section and walked right out the back door,” Emmert said. “He just pushed the door with his head and he just walked out.”

The deer did not cause any damage in the store besides the shattered window, according to Emmert.

The deer himself also did not appear to be injured, aside from shaking his antlers after he first entered to shake off the broken glass he brought in with him, Emmert said.