Extra Chills Coming in Halloween Forecast

Two storm systems could put a damper on trick-or-treating.

ByABC News
October 29, 2014, 9:43 AM

— -- After a very mild start to the week for most of the country, a cold front is bringing some of the coldest weather of the season to eastern United States just in time for Halloween. And yes, there is a chance of Halloween snow for some.

Two storm systems could affect the country for Halloween. One will be in the Great Lakes and the other one along the West Coast.

A cold front is bringing some of the coldest weather of the season to the East Coast.

In the Great Lakes, cold air will be spilling in with gusty winds and snow showers, especially from Michigan to West Virginia where some areas could get a few inches of very wet autumn snow. The Northeast will be mostly dry Friday with cooler temperatures mostly in the 50s.

The second storm system will move into the West Coast from San Francisco to Seattle with rain in the lower elevations and snow in Sierra and Cascade Mountains.

Most of the Plains and the South will be dry. However, it will be turning cooler from Dallas to Atlanta with highs at or below normal. The only areas in the country that will have true summer-like feel will be in the desert Southwest with Phoenix topping out in the 90s. Orlando and Miami can expect temperatures in the 80s.

Temperatures will dip by the weekend in most parts of the country.

If you have plans this weekend on the East Coast, you should monitor the possibility of development of a coastal storm. Major cities along the I-95 corridor will see rain and wind but further north and inland rain could turn to snow. The heaviest accumulations of snow will be away from the coast in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. Higher elevations of the White Mountains could get more than a half a foot of snow. Portland, Maine could see a dusting as well.