Homeless veteran says couple who raised $400K for him are 'hypocritical,' won't give him money

A judge ordered the couple to turn over the cash on Thursday.

September 1, 2018, 6:11 PM

A homeless man who helped out a woman with his last $20, and gained national fame for it, has spoken out just one day after a judge ordered the woman and her husband to turn over what's left of the money they raised in his name.

"I wish it didn't come to this," Johnny Bobbitt told ABC News affiliate WPVI in Philadelphia. "I hate that it came to this."

Bobbitt, a 35-year-old Marine Corps veteran who says he was living on the streets of Philadelphia, gave Kate McClure, 28, the last of the cash he had panhandled that day after she ran out of gas, she wrote on a GoFundMe page that she created on Nov. 10 last year.

The page ended up raising more than $400,000, according to the GoFundMe page.

With the money, McClure and her husband, Mark D'Amico, 39, bought Bobbitt a camper and parked it on land belonging to McClure's family, according to the Associated Press. He also received $25,000, which he spent in less than two weeks, the AP reported.

In June, Bobbitt says he ended up back on the streets after D'Amico told him he had to leave the property, the AP reported.

Johnny Bobbitt received a haircut due to the generosity of Kate McClure, who raised more than $360,000 after Bobbitt helped her on the side of the road.
ABC News

Bobbitt filed a lawsuit against D'Amico and McClure alleging that the couple had used the funds like their own "personal piggy bank to fund a lifestyle that they could not otherwise afford," his attorneys wrote.

The couple denies those claims, saying they're wary of giving Bobbitt large sums because they fear he will buy drugs, according to the Associated Press.

Kate McClure and Johnny Bobbitt reunite for the first time on TV after Bobbitt helped McClure when her car broke down in Philadelphia.
ABC News

Bobbitt said they had complete control of the funds.

"I had to ask them for everything in the beginning," Bobbitt said. "It was like a joke, they were like my parents, but the joke starts not being funny."

"I always felt like I was in a weird situation. I didn't want to be pressuring [anyone] to get a lawyer or do anything because I didn't want to seem ungrateful," he added.

A New Jersey judge issued an order Thursday for the couple to transfer the money into an escrow account by the end of the day on Friday as well as hire a forensic accountant who could review the financial records within 10 days.

The couple's attorney, Ernest Badway, argued in court that the couple has spent much more on Bobbitt. McClure and D'Amico have used about $200,000, which include the trailer, truck and giving Bobbitt cash for his everyday necessities, Badway said, citing records he has seen.

They are currently preparing the accounting that will "show where the money went," Badway said.

McClure and D'Amico did not return calls and emails seeking comment.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.