Michigan Accountant Accused of Killing Boss Over Embezzlement

Prosecutors allege Andy Brown acted in desperation.

ByABC News
June 28, 2014, 5:29 PM

— -- A Michigan accountant is standing trial, accused of killing his boss who had allegedly caught him embezzling money.

Prosecutors have painted Andy Brown as a man who acted in desperation when he allegedly shot and killed David Locey at his office near Kalamazoo, Mich., in 2013.

"I believe that this was a cold-blooded killing by Mr. Brown," St. Joseph County prosecutor John McDonough said.

Prosecutors said Locey hired Brown, 37, despite knowing he had been convicted of embezzlement in 2005 and lost his CPA license. Police said they believe Brown began embezzling again, and when confronted by Locey, he killed him.

Employees at Locey's accounting firm testified the two men had a heated argument the day of the murder.

"There's no one else that would come to mind that would have done this," said Tammy Brunner, a secretary at Locey CPA.

Brown has pleaded not guilty. His attorneys said he had no reason to hurt Locey, who had been so generous to him.

"You might point to the embezzlement as a motive, but who commits murder to cover up a petty theft?" criminal defense attorney Janet Johnson said.

The trial resumes Tuesday.