Rob Gronkowski surprises Florida health care workers with a special invitation

From the front lines to the sidelines.

February 3, 2021, 7:52 PM

From the front lines to the sidelines, these Florida health care workers got a super surprise courtesy of Tampa Bay Buccaneer star player Rob Gronkowski.

“I’ve heard that you’re a pretty big Bucs fan and more importantly, that you’ve been a huge help for patients battling tough times this year during the pandemic,” Gronkowski said to the nurses in a video message Monday.

The Florida nurses will join 7,500 other health care workers as honorary guests at this Sunday’s Super Bowl.

“Guess what… You’re going to Super Bowl 55 as a guest. … You’ll be joining front-line workers from all over the country,” the NFL tight end shared.

The four nurses -- Heather Stegmeier, Belinda Spahn, Woody Nixon and Mandy Mueske -- will join 7,500 other health care workers as honorary guests at this Sunday’s Super Bowl.

Tampa Bay Buccaneer star player Rob Gronkowski surprised Florida health care workers with Super Bowl tickets for this Sunday.

Mueske, a nurse for cancer patients with COVID-19, said it has been a trying year for both her and the patients she cares for.

“It’s already a stressful job in general, and these patients are already dealing with cancer and that diagnosis. And then let alone having a COVID diagnosis,” she said.

Tonight, Gronkowski shared a “thank you” to those like Mueske who are working on the front lines.

”From everyone at the Bucs,” he said. “We sincerely thank you for your amazing sacrifices.”

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