'Start Here': 2nd whistleblower comes forward with Trump concerns and Supreme Court begins fall term

Here's what you need to know to start your day.

October 7, 2019, 5:04 AM

It's Monday, Oct. 7, 2019. Let's start here.

1. 2nd whistleblower comes forward

An attorney representing the whistleblower who raised concerns about President Donald Trump’s dealings with Ukraine tells ABC News that he is representing a second whistleblower who has spoken with the inspector general.

Mark Zaid told ABC News' Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos that the second person -- also described as an intelligence official -- has first-hand knowledge of some of the allegations outlined in the original complaint and has been interviewed by the head of the intelligence community's internal watchdog office, Michael Atkinson.

ABC News’ David Wright tells "Start Here" that the White House is pushing back against this second whistleblower.

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham issued a statement, saying, "It doesn't matter how many people decide to call themselves whistleblowers about the same telephone call. It doesn't change the fact that the president did nothing wrong."

2. SCOTUS starts up

The U.S. Supreme Court begins its fall term Monday with a number of hot-button cases, including employment discrimination against gay, lesbian and transgender Americans; Trump's elimination of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, for young undocumented immigrants; life sentences for juvenile offenders; gun rights; and abortion.

ABC News Supreme Court contributor Kate Shaw explains that some of these cases will be big talking points on the presidential campaign trail.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) talks to reporters after the Senate voted on the budget agreement at the Capitol, Aug. 1, 2019.
Mark Wilson/Getty Images

3. Witness in Guyger trial killed

A man who used to live across the hall from Botham Jean and testified in Amber Guyger’s murder trial was shot to death Friday night, according to Dallas County’s District Attorney’s Office.

Joshua Brown was shot late Friday night at the Atera Apartments in the 4600 block of Cedar Springs road and died at a local hospital, according to Dallas ABC affiliate WFAA.

Brown testified in Guyger's trial on Sept. 24, saying he did not hear Guyger tell Jean to put his hands up before she shot and killed him.

ABC News’ Jim Ryan in Dallas tells "Start Here" that Brown made an impact in court: "It was important testimony, and I think it helped to frame this entire trial."

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'They put 14 stitches in my forehead': Former President Jimmy Carter fell and hit his head Sunday morning, necessitating a short trip to the hospital to get stitched up. But he appeared as his usual self at charity event Sunday night.

'Turn for the worse': More than three weeks into the strike by General Motors workers they does not appear to be any closer to reaching a deal.

No such thing as bad publicity: P.T. Barnum allegedly uttered that line, and at least for "Joker" it seems to be true. The film, starring Joaquin Phoenix as the future Batman villain, raked in October's largest domestic total at the box office ever.

Delaware tragedy: Three people are dead -- all 18 and under -- and a 6-year-old is missing after a car plunged in a canal in Delaware on Sunday morning.

From our friends at FiveThirtyEight:

How Has The Ukraine Scandal Affected Trump’s Approval Rating?: The ramifications of the Ukraine scandal (and the resulting impeachment inquiry) for Trump’s reelection prospects are murky.

Doff your cap:

A Medford, Oregon, police officer performed his good deed for the week by rescuing a fawn from a white picket fence after the animal apparently got stuck trying to jump over.

Officer Levi Moffitt can be seen walking around the fence and lifting the baby deer out of its predicament.

The baby deer, which was stuck in a white picket fence, was lifted to safety by a member of the Medford Police Department.

Oregon cop rescues fawn from fence

The baby deer, which was stuck in a white picket fence, was lifted to safety by a member of the Medford Police Department.

"Great save by Officer Moffitt!" the department shared on Facebook. "The mama deer can't be seen but she was waiting in the distance."