Attorney Barry Levin Found Dead In Cemetery
L O S A N G E L E S, July 8 -- High-profile criminal attorney Barry Levin,who helped handle Erik Menendez's murder defense and more recentlyrepresented actor Robert Blake, was found dead Saturday of a singlegunshot wound to the head at a veterans cemetery, officials said.
Levin, 54, appeared to have committed suicide, said FBIspokesman Matthew McLaughlin. Levin suffered from Gaucher'sdisease, said Ron Dorfman, a fellow attorney who spoke at a newsconference Saturday evening at the cemetery.
Gaucher's disease is an inherited enzyme-deficiency disorderwhose victims bleed and bruise easily. Levin was in constant,severe pain and had already had a shoulder replaced because of thedisease, Dorfman said.
Levin was found slumped over the steering wheel of his vehicleabout 2 p.m., McLaughlin said. The FBI was investigating becausethe death occurred at the Los Angeles National Cemetery, which isfederal property.
Best Known for Role in Menendez Trial
Levin, a former city police officer, was one of the best-knownattorneys in Los Angeles. Levin was a co-counsel for Menendez, whowas sentenced to life without parole in 1996 with brother Lyle forkilling their parents.
Attorney Leslie Abramson, who was Levin's co-counsel on theMenendez case, described Levin as "all heart for his clients."
"He had a tremendous understanding for people, especiallyveterans. He was a great guy with a fair amount of tragedy in hisown life. He's been a colleague and a friend for many years, and awonderful lawyer. He was always my hero."
Levin recently represented Blake, star of the Baretta TVseries, whose wife's recent murder is unsolved.
Levin was also the lead defense attorney in a case stemming fromalleged corruption in the city's police department.
He represented Sgt. Edward Ortiz who with two other officers wasconvicted in November of conspiracy and other charges alleging theyframed alleged gang members. The convictions were overturned.
Friends Shocked About Death