'Got Milk?' Ads Take on Steroids Controversy
Oct. 14, 2005 — -- One of the most successful advertising campaigns of all time veered off in an edgy new direction this week. The new "Got Milk?" advertisements spoof major league baseball's steroid abuse scandal. The commercials are already airing in California during the baseball playoff games, but not everyone is laughing.
In the commercial, an actor portraying a news anchor says, "Homerun hitter Dave Laden was pulled from last night's lineup after testing positive for a performance-enhancing substance. The substance -- said to help rebuild muscles and maintain bone strength -- was found in the hitter's locker before game time."
"I don't know how that got in there," replies the player.
But the "substance" turns out to be milk, not steroids.
"Satire's always dangerous," said Steve James, chairman of the California Milk Processor Board, which paid for the ads. "It's always on the edge. You're always risking offending people or people not getting it. But when satire works -- and I think this works -- you get people's attention."
The board wants to attract attention because milk consumption is down. The government says more than three-quarters of U.S. children aren't getting enough calcium.
But some say the new ads are not good for children at all.
"There is nothing humorous about steroid abuse," said Tim Brosnan, Major League Baseball's executive vice president for business. "I would think that the California Milk Processor Board and their advertising agency would know better regarding an issue that threatens America's youth."
Two years ago, 17-year-old Taylor Hooton killed himself, his family believes, because of depression brought about after he stopped using steroids.