Alec Baldwin Explains His Police Detainment

He tells his side of what happened.

May 14, 2014 — -- Alec Baldwin had an altercation Tuesday with police in New York City and he took to Twitter to explain what happened.

A police source told ABC News Baldwin was riding his bike the wrong way and after an altercation, he was cuffed and detained when he failed to provide identification. The source added Baldwin “got arrogant and loud," which is why he was given his second summons for disorderly summons.

Baldwin, of course, had a different take.

Read: Police Source: Alec Baldwin Was 'Arrogant and Loud'

"I asked both police officers today to ticket me. If they contend that I asked for special treatment, they are lying," he tweeted last night. "If you don't have ID in NY when they write you a summons, they can take you in. Officer Moreno did not know me. Officer Weinstein did."

He continued: "Moreno shouted, 'Let's do this the right way!' And handcuffed me. I told both officers I was happy to accept the summons and go. One officer seemed inclined toward that. Moreno did not. I think handcuffing some1 4 riding a bicycle in the wrong direction is ridiculous. Report of disorderly conduct is a distortion by Moreno."

Baldwin added that he may not know what to do when his court date comes up later this summer.

Related: Alec Baldwin Done With Spotlight - and Here's Who He Blames

"So, when a cop lies to protect themself [sic], what do I plead in court on July 14th? Even if you are innocent, w witnesses, what do you do?," he asked. "My only point is that claims by Moreno of disorderly conduct are either a distortion or outright lie. Moreno lied in her report."

Finally, he added, "I simply want people to know I asked for no special treatment. It was a ticket for riding a bicycle. I can handle it."

Then, he made one minor fix -- "Correction: Officer's name is Montero."