'Bachelorette' Men Tell All preview: Rachel Lindsay faces off with controversial former suitor Lee

The attorney told the controversial former suitor he made the show "ugly."

Still, the attorney has some choice words for Lee, a controversial figure this season.

Lee, a white man, was often accused in the house of picking on other African-American contestants.

In a preview of the ABC special, Lindsay said Lee's actions in the house -- which she wasn't previously privy to while filming -- were "so disappointing" to watch.

She continued, "You had such strong opinions on such sensitive topics and you turned it into something so ugly.

"I didn't want to give any life into you, your opinions or your brief time on the show," Lindsay added. "You had the opportunity to be about something so beautiful and I'm not just talking about me."

Lindsay said it was particularly bad timing for Lee's actions since she intended "to be a spokesperson for African-Americans, for women."

Meanwhile, Lindsay said "one of the hardest parts" of the Men Tell All special was when she was trying to help Dean move forward after their shocking breakup, telling ABC News, "I have a lot of love for Dean, even still today."

"And so to sit there on the couch, and hear him question me and not have the closure that he needed, that was hard," Lindsay said. "I’m not even going to lie, that was probably one of the hardest parts of the night."

Dean told ABC News during a behind the scenes interview that, "There's a part of me that will always love her."

"But I'm ready to move on and pursue what else may come to me," he added.

To find out how Lee responded to the confrontation, and to hear the hard questions Dean asked Lindsay, we'll have to wait until tonight at 8 p.m. ET when the "Bachelorette"'s Men Tell All special airs on ABC.