Chris Evans Reveals Why Captain America Fighting Iron Man in 'Civil War'

The two face off in "Civil War" and Evans actually sides with Iron Man.

Basically after the events of "Ultron" and all the innocent lives lost, the government wants all superheroes to sign accords and register their powers.

“Tony [Iron Man] actually thinks we should be signing these accords and reporting to somebody and Cap, who’s always been a company man and has always been a soldier, actually doesn’t trust anymore,” Evans said, according to the Salt Lake Tribune.

Captain America saw SHIELD and the government infiltrated by Hydra in "Winter Soldier," so his trust is lacking big time.

Evans continued, “Given what happened in ’Cap 2,’ I think he kind of feels the safest hands are his own. And these are understandable concerns, but this is tough, because even reading the script, you think, ’I think I agree with Tony in a way, and I do agree that to make this work, you do need to surrender to the group.’ It can’t just be one person saying this is right and this is what we’re going to do.”

Even though Evans can see Iron Man's point of view, he says Cap "is a good man and his moral compass is probably the cleanest."

"This is a tough thing. This is what made it so interesting while we were filming, and it’s hopefully what will make the movie great — nobody’s right, nobody’s wrong. There’s no clear bad guy here. We both have a point of view, which is akin to most disagreements in life and politics," he added.

The plot of "Civil War" comes from the published series that happened in 2005, with a very similar story line and Spider-Man caught in the middle.

Last year, Marvel Executive Editor and Senior VP Tom Brevoort told ABC News about what happened in the comic books.

"From the point of view of Captain America, [registering and getting trained by the government] was an infringement on the civil liberties of these people, this was overstepping turning all these super-powered individuals and turning them effectively into soldiers. Iron Man on the other hand, saw the validity of this. Just because a guy has powers and puts on a costume doesn't mean he is trained to use them responsibility, even if his intentions are good, people can get hurt," he said.

"Captain America: Civil War" is out in theaters on May 6, 2016.