'Dancing With the Stars': How Paula Deen's Weight Loss Encouraged Her to Dance

She also said she'll "never" give up butter.

"I probably will. I’ve asked wherever they put me to stay, if there was just a little kitchen, not much of one, but that’s where I go to decompress and to get into my little safety area," she said. "Louis is my partner and I fed him pretty good this last week because we’ve been practicing at my house, so I fed him pretty good this week."

With a lot of dancing in her future, Deen, 68, said she's excited for the challenge and that after she dropped all the weight a few years back, 35 pounds, she feels ready for the show.

"It was a process getting here. But when I finally dropped the weight off I thought, 'Well, maybe I can do it,'" she added. "Maybe I can do it now. And I’ve been eating out of my new cookbook that comes out next week, I’ve been eating that now for a couple of years, which has allowed me to get to where I think I might can do it.”

She said she's going to stay in shape for the show, but that she'll never turn her back on her favorite ingredient.

"I never gave up butter," she stressed. "Never, never. But the big word in my life now is, ‘moderation.’ Moderation, moderation, moderation."