John Mayer wants to hear from fans ... by snail mail: Let's 'return to naturalism'

The singer wrote, "Let’s correspond. Real paper. Real ink. Real names."

— -- Remember back in the day when there was no social media or internet, and if you wanted to tell your favorite star how much you loved them, you had to write them a fan letter?

"2018: a return to naturalism. Let’s correspond. Real paper. Real ink. Real names," Mayer, 40, began.

The singer continued, "Here’s the plan: get yourself a typewriter (@californiatypewriter and Etsy have some great ones) and send me a one page, properly formatted letter (formal or informal) and I will reply to a few every morning. Include return envelope/postage if you’re overseas."

Mayer then provided an address where you can write to him: P.O. Box 3784, Beverly Hills, CA 90212, United States.

The Grammy-winner's request for fans to write to him using a typewriter isn't a coincidence: He's such a fan of them that he even appears in a documentary called "California Typewriter," about one of the last typewriter shops in America.

Mayer is one of several celebrities featured in the movie talking about the joys of typing things on an old-fashioned machine.