Why Justin Bieber Stormed Off the Stage in Oslo

"It's been a rough week for me," he explained.

"In no way did I mean to come across mean, but chose to end the show as the people in the front row would not listen. Hopefully people will understand where I am coming from," he wrote. "I don't always handle things the right way but I'm human and I'm working on getting better at responding not reacting."

In a video captured by a fan and posted to Twitter, Bieber, 21, grew agitated when fans grabbed at him while he was trying to wipe the floor. Though he asked them to stop, they persisted, and he left the stage.

"Unfortunately people were affected by this as am I," Bieber continued in his Instagram post. "For the people in the back, I am so sorry and for anyone I may have disappointed I'm sorry. Sorry for wasting the TV people's time. I'll be sure to make it up to you next time on tour."

This is the second time this week Bieber has cut a promotional appearance short. On Wednesday, he walked out of a radio interview with a Spanish radio station.