Martha Stewart Spills Beauty Secrets

Hint: Her routine stars at 4 a.m. and involves baby oil.

Now the domestic diva is revealing her secrets to glowing skin and hair in the latest Martha Stewart Living.

The former model's regular routine is pretty quick, but it's not for folks who like to sleep in.

"I spend anywhere from seven to 30 minutes getting my face and hair ready each morning," she said, according to an excerpt in People magazine. "This doesn’t include the time I spend doing advance prep like my daily face mask, which I apply at 4 a.m., and I use hand cream with gloves."

To prepare for her photo shoot in the latest issue, Stewart said she got ready days before.

"I [started] preparing several days in advance by making sure I didn’t miss a work out, drink any alcoholic beverages, and I made sure I got enough sleep because I wanted to look really good," she said.

Though she prefers a number of high-end products for her hair and skin, there's one standby that can be found at any drugstore.

"I always have Johnson’s Baby Oil in my medicine cabinet," she said. "At night, I wash my face really well, because I have to have my makeup done a lot. Johnson’s Baby Oil with a warm washcloth is one great way to take it off. I like oil because it keeps my skin very moist, and it works for me. I don’t get clogged pores."

For more on Stewart's beauty secrets, check out the March issue of Martha Stewart Living.