'Office Christmas Party' Has Talented Actors but Poor Writing

You might want to wait for the DVD for this one.

— -- Rated - R

Two out of five stars

Well ...

Recently divorced Josh Parker (Bateman) is Zenotech's chief technical officer and Clay's best friend. He supervises Tracey (Munn), a genius developer who, conveniently — meaning as a plot device — has been working on a revolutionary idea.

But that's not important right now. What's important is Clay, Josh and Tracey need to close Walter — and the only way to do that, obviously, is to throw the wildest Christmas office party ever!

I'm not saying this movie is bereft of laughs. Even teams that finish last can make a few good plays, and this talented cast is going to give us some funny moments, regardless. But this is a serious case of a bunch of writers who couldn't get out of their own way.

The funniest party movies feature plots born out of natural circumstances. That just doesn't happen here. "Office Christmas Party" offers a number of contrivances to unnecessarily raise and complicate the stakes. Of course, Miller is going to hit 9 out of 10 times. Bell continues her ascent toward the top of Hollywood's funniest actor list, and Vance — Emmy and Tony winner that he is — fully commits to the best-written character in this movie and nails it.

But the rest of "Office Christmas Party" and its formidable cast is wasted.