Prince William Talks Fatherhood, 'Amazing Mother' and 'Fantastic Wife' Kate

The prince gave an emotional interview with Vietnam TV.

"I adore my children very much and I've learned a lot about myself and about family just from having my own children," he said. "George is a right little rascal sometimes, he keeps me on my toes but he's a sweet boy. And Charlotte, bearing in mind I haven't had a sister so having a daughter is a very different dynamic. So I'm learning about having a daughter, having a girl in the family."

William admitted there are "challenges" that go along with parenthood and he thinks quite a bit about the world his children are growing up in.

"I worry about the future more. When you have something or someone in your life to give the future to I think it focuses the mind more about what you're giving them and are you happy that you've done all you can to leave it in a good state," he said.

"I would like them to grow up with more simple aspirations. I think there's a lot of huge aspirations and people living with an enormous amount of stuff that they don't necessarily need," he said. "The materialism of the world I find quite tricky sometimes."