Why Ryan Gosling was giggling during the Oscars best picture mix-up

It's not what you thought at all.

"I was watching people start to have this panicked reaction in the crowd and guys were coming on with headsets and I felt like someone had been hurt," he said at the Adobe Summit in Las Vegas yesterday, according to Entertainment Weekly.

He continued, "I thought there was some kind of medical situation, and I had this worst-case scenario playing out in my head. And then I just heard 'Moonlight' won and I was so relieved that I started laughing.”

"Truthfully, I was also so thrilled that 'Moonlight' won. I know the director … I’ve worked with them before. It’s such a groundbreaking film, made for a million dollars, and incredible achievement and I’m so happy for them that they were being recognized," he said.

Well, there you have it -- another reason to swoon for Gosling.