Sandra Bullock Talks About Kids

Bullock said her role as single mom to Louis, 5, makes her feel most beautiful.

"I've always said that I could have a house full of kids," she told People magazine, which named her World's Most Beautiful Woman.

"But at this time the only kids in my house, other than Louis, are the ones whose parents want them back at the end of the playdate."

"But if these drumbeaters know something that I don't, I'd appreciate a heads-up on the details so I can pick up some supplies," she added, referring to the persistent rumors that she's adding to her little family. "I'm wickedly unprepared if Louis is getting a sibling this week."

"There are so many variations of families out there that are perfect," Bullock told People, adding that her definition of family is "people you choose to have in your life."

"My family looks nothing like I ever imagined it would," she said. "It's better than I ever imagined."

Bullock said her role as mother to Louis is the one that makes her feel most beautiful.

"When I first held him, I realized what my purpose in life was," she said. "I’m the lucky one."