Sandra Bullock Scared by Media's 'Open Hunting Season' on Women

Actress is speaking out on what she sees as shaming over women's looks, age.

"I feel like it's become open hunting season in how women are attacked and it's not because of who we are as people, it's because of how we look or our age," she told E! News.

"I'm shocked -- and maybe I was just naïve, but I'm embarrassed by it. My son is getting ready to grow up in this world and I'm trying to raise a good man who values and appreciates women, and here we have this attack on women in the media that I don't see a stop happening."

Mother to 5-year-old Louis, Bullock said she feels for kids growing up today, especially girls.

"Little girls are having the hardest time with bullying and the Internet -- somebody with a very large hand and big voice needs to put a stop to it," the "Minions" actress, 50, told E!

"We need to stop," she added. "We are harming girls and women in a way, at a speed that it's scaring me. It's really scaring me, so I would love for someone to help put a stop to this."

The good news, she said, is seeing how women in her industry have stuck together.

"You'd be surprised at the love that you have in our crazy industry," Bullock said. "The women have bonded together and have sort of become this tribe of trying to take care of each other and be there for each other in a way, because the minute you step out it's an onslaught."