Academy Awards: Where the Stars Keep Their Oscars

Anne Hathaway is proposing a tool shed if she wins.

Feb. 13, 2013— -- intro: Anne Hathaway told reporters backstage at Sunday's BAFTA awards that she's not losing sleep over winning the Oscar on Feb. 24.

"Whatever happens in two weeks happens," she said. "It won't be the worst thing that happens to me if I don't win, and with my husband by my side it won't be the best thing either. So I am feeling very good about whatever."

"I don't think ahead -- I am just happy to be in the conversation in two weeks' time," Hathaway said.

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Still, that didn't keep her from imagining where she would keep her statue, should she be lucky enough to win.

"I kind of have this fantasy -- because this year that I have been lucky enough to receive a few pieces of hardware -- that I'm going to get a tool shed and keep it in my garage so that it opens to some music. But for now I am just going to keep it in my kitchen," she said.

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When it comes to the Academy Awards, the stars have all sorts of ideas on where to keep Oscar. Click through to read about some of them.

2013 Oscars: Full Coverage

quicklist: 1title: Jodie Fostertext: Foster used to keep her two best actress Oscars, for 1988's "The Accused" and 1991's "Silence of the Lambs," in her bathroom.

Why? "Because they looked good with the faucets," she has said. "But when they started getting corroded on the bottom, I had to move them to a trophy case in my den." media: 18479722

quicklist: 2title:Reese Witherspoontext: After winning an Oscar for best actress for 2005's "Walk the Line," Witherspoon told People that she considered having it made into a door knocker or necklace.

"But neither one of those options was very practical. I just keep it in my living room," she 18479813

quicklist: 3title: Timothy Huttontext: Hutton, who won an Oscar for best supporting actor for 1980's "Ordinary People," once told USA Today that it was his sister's idea to keep the award in the refrigerator.

"She thought that would be kind of funny to put the Oscar in the refrigerator when people would go grab a beer or something ... It's still there." media: 18479435

quicklist: 4title: Susan Sarandontext: Like Foster, Sarandon once kept her golden statue for 1995's "Dead Man Walking" in the guest bathroom of her home. But she told The Hollywood Reporter in 2011 that her Oscar has been on tour with a traveling exhibit on gold organized by New York's American Museum of Natural History.

"I haven't seen it in a few years," Sarandon 18479578

quicklist: 5title: Robin Williamstext: Williams, who won for best supporting actor for 1997's "Good Will Hunting," told The Hollywood Reporter that he keeps his Oscar in his home in Tiburon, Calif., sandwiched between two Screen Actors Guild awards.

"They stand on either side," he said. "So they have security." media: 18479590

quicklist: 6title: Goldie Hawntext: Hawn won her Oscar for best supporting actress for her first film, 1969's "Cactus Flower." But instead of displaying it in a trophy case, the actress has it casually placed on a bench in her meditation room in Los Angeles.

"My award is in the room where I study and practice meditation," Hawn has said. "Trophy rooms are the opposite of me. Awards are history. That's my philosophy."media: 18480274

quicklist: 7title: Cuba Gooding Jr.text: After winning the Oscar for best supporting actor for 1996's "Jerry Maguire," Cuba Gooding Jr. kept his prize for six years in a wine cabinet.

"It sat behind the glass on one of the shelves. People would say, 'Is that it?' The cabinet was temperature controlled because of the wine, so the Oscar stayed beaming new," he has said. "Now that I keep it out in the open in my screening room, it has become tarnished -- which is kind of cool. It's starting to age and get character. Like me." media: 18479510

quicklist: 8title: Emma Thompsontext: Thompson is another star who doesn't mind a little tarnish on her trophy. The actress keeps her two Oscars -- for best actress for 1992's "Howard's End" and best screenplay for 1995's "Sense and Sensibility" -- in the bathroom. "They look far too outré anywhere else," she told Time. "They're great big, gold, shiny things. They're up there tarnishing quietly along with everything else I own, including my body." media: 18479904

quicklist: 9title: Kate Winslettext: Winslet also stows her best actress Oscar for 2009's "The Reader" in the bathroom, so guests can "sneakily have a little [hold] and put it back down again," she told the U.K. TV show GMTV. "Basically everybody wants to touch it, everybody wants to hold it and go 'Oh, my gosh,' and 'How heavy is it?' So I figured if I put it [there], then people can avoid the whole 'Where's your Oscar?' thing."media: 18479845

quicklist: 10title: Morgan Freemantext: Freeman had a shelf specially built in his Mississippi home for his 2004 best supporting Oscar for "Million Dollar Baby."

"When my house was being built in 1988, one of the guys who was doing finishing work said he wanted to construct a trophy cabinet for me," Freeman has said. "And he put an acrylic sign on the top shelf saying 'No Parking: Oscar Only.' So when I won, I took down the sign and put the Oscar in its place."media: 18479615