Anne Hathaway BAFTA Speech Leaves Some Fans Perplexed

(Mike Marsland/WireImage/Getty Images)

From the Golden Globes to the Screen Actors Guild awards, Anne Hathaway has been making a lot of acceptance speeches this awards season.

But fans had mixed reactions to her speech for Best Supporting Actress at Sunday night's BAFTA awards in London.

Hathaway's speech began as she ran onto the stage to accept the award from presenter George Clooney. The actress, dressed in a studded Burberry gown, grabbed the award from Clooney and started to walk toward the microphone before racing back to give him a hug.

"I almost passed George Clooney without hugging him…that's just stupid," she said. The crowd roared.

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But the jokes didn't stop there.

"Thank you BAFTA, I'm so honored," the actress said. "I'm so relieved I'm coming down with laryngitis because the location, the giddiness, this could be a recipe for disaster. I might sing."

When the audience didn't laugh, a breathless Hathaway added, "Anyway, that didn't go over well, it went better in my head." The audience did laugh.

Hathaway, who played Fantine in "Les Miserables," went on to thank everyone from her fellow cast member Hugh Jackman to her makeup artist and the film's director Tom Hooper.

The 30-year-old actress then gave a shout-out to fellow cast member Eddie Redmayne, who was sick backstage with food poisoning.

"Eddie, feel better. I'd be holding your hair back but, you know," Hathaway joked as she pointed to the award in her hand. "Tells you the kind of friend I am. Food poisoning is just the worst."

Viewers seemed perhaps the most perplexed when Hathaway thanked Victor Hugo, the author of "Les Miserables."

"My very special thanks are reserved for Victor Hugo, without whom none of us would be here," she said. The actress then quickly added, "Thank you so much honey, I love you."

"Did Anne Hathaway just call Victor Hugo 'honey?' That's the real story of this award season," one viewer tweeted.

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"Anne Hathaway's speeches get harder and harder to watch. Please stop giving her awards," another viewer tweeted.

"Someone please hire her a speech writer please I beg of you," wrote a third.

Other fans defended her on Twitter.

"Anne Hathaway's acceptance speech was adorably awkward!" one fan tweeted.

"Anne Hathaway beginning speech about almost not hugging George Clooney was hilarious," another wrote.

As for Hathaway, she had better start prepping that Oscar speech because she is considered the frontrunner as best actress this month.

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