Teammates, Friends of Lamar Odom React to News of His Hospitalization

The former NBA star was found unconscious.

L.A. Lakers coach Byron Scott told ESPN, "It's obviously something that you don't want to hear before the game because I think the people that knew about it, we were all thinking about it. ... I obviously feel for him and hope that he'll be OK."

"I don't even know what to say. There's not one word that I can say right now that's going to make sense. I don't know what to say right now," he said.

LeBron James took to Instagram to share his thoughts.

"So many prayers sent up to you LO! I truly hope this isn't the last stop for you because you still have so much to give, not even to others but to yourself more importantly. Never know what someone is going through unless you're walking in their shoes. No judgement," he wrote.

Here are others who are hoping Odom can pull through.

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