Tony Goldwyn 'Went Bright Red' Over 'Scandal' Phone Sex Scene

Actor says recent phone sex scene was the raciest he's done on show.

But even he was "embarrassed" by an episode this season, in which his character, President Fitzgerald Grant, tells Olivia over the phone all the naughty things he plans to do to her.

"So I'm reading this script totally blind, and I get to this scene," he continued. "And it was really hot! And pretty out there---I could not believe they aired that on ABC."

It was so hot that Goldwyn found himself blushing as he read the scene in front of his co-stars.

"I went bright red in the table read," he told DeGeneres.

"Doing phone sex was actually in a way harder than doing a regular sex scene," he admitted to DeGeneres. "Because a regular sex scene, it's all so weird and ridiculous, and you have this other person that you're with. But for [the phone sex scene], it was me, alone on the phone, actually having phone sex with someone, and just the crew watching me!"

He recalled that one crew member, an assistant camera operator named Emily, was just a couple feet away as the scene was being shot.

"She's sitting right next to me, kind of looking at me," he said, laughing, "and I was like, 'Emily, I'm really embarrassed.'"