Try this dark chocolate avocado mousse from nutritionist to the stars Kelly LeVeque

This seven-ingredient recipe is a must-try in your own kitchen.

Her new book, "Body Love Every Day" includes tips, recipes and self-care for every lifestyle.

Get a taste, literally, of LeVeque's approach to good health with her recipe for dark chocolate avocado mousse.

Enjoy it for breakfast or as a delicious snack!

Kelly LeVeque's dark chocolate avocado mousse

2 large, very ripe avocados (or 3 small, very ripe avocados)
1 serving of organic chocolate plant protein
2 Tb organic raw cacao powder
2 Tb organic milled chia seeds
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1-2 drops organic liquid monk fruit
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
Sea salt

In a food processor or blender, combine the avocados, chocolate protein, cacao powder, milled chia seeds, almond milk, monk fruit, cinnamon and pinch of salt.

Refrigerate for at least one hour.

Serve in a small bowl with your desired topping, such as seeds, berries, shredded coconut or nuts.

Read all about LeVeque's morning routine here, including why she starts every day with a smoothie.

Get more recipes from LeVeque, including a build-your-own smoothie tool at