What Are Some Examples Of Situations In Which Minor Changes Create Unwarranted Distress In A Person With Autism?

Dr. Filipek answers the question: 'Minor Changes Causing Major Distress?'

Oct. 23, 2008 -- Question: What are some examples of situations in which minor changes create unwarranted distress in a person with autism?

Answer: In general, individuals with autism are not able to recuse from their environment or from other people in their surroundings and rely on predictability of life to gauge how they should respond and interact.

As a result, if that predictability changes, if a routine changes, if a schedule changes, if something expected by the individual with autism does not happen as expected, it is very distressing to them.

And, they may respond with, in younger children or middle-aged children, a tantrum, or they may not be able to cope with the new situation and their behaviors often can get out of hand.